Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 14, 8 December 1880 — THE ROYAL PROGRESS. [ARTICLE]


•il:« MnjeFty liii)(i(;(l at Mnlmkona, l)ecemLer lt* 4 i>.m. A large conc(»urHc of p(;o],le, Lolli ~ "'r3r (H£ n '"iinīl n turrl-ns?om-bl«(l to wpleouni llie - Kine ; iin<l t liene lonneel nn (>-cort ty thc roynl party. a.- tliev rodc ori to Kohnla. A hcarty oheeririg froin overy crowd cathercd by thc \vayniile \vas thc cordial weleoine of the people to Ki.no Kalakaua in the " old llominion." ,- Ah daylight wancd, a proceseion of torches met-. llin MajeBty, and lighted the way to , Judge Iloo- : kano'n, where a very tastcful and liberal enter- £ * 1 tainment wae provided for the party. ^ J ' On Friday the 3rd inst. , IIis Majeety address- > ed thc people froin thc veranda ol' thc Kohalu ! Fost Oflice , and thc royal addreeB in both lan- i guagcB waej"eceived with enthasiastic cheers. The King visi|ed the Kohala plantation by in- j vitation of Ahr. Williame ; the royal party ,being placed in conveyances drawn by traction engines, and thu8 they made the ,tou.r o,f the plantation,, being evervwhere enthuBiastically cbeered by th*e people, and a eplendjd luneh cloaed the dayTs festivity. : We wilbgive a fuller,rcport with copy ol hie Majestyts epeeeh in hext Saturdav 's Advertiser.