Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 15, 15 December 1880 — THE BAND. [ARTICLE]


Oui' 15(:i'ger'b hand ol' lioi.olulu liai- heeome l.iuiiliur aud eoMimoii, liku eunehme, so rhut\v<: DfiglfiCi iu .a41.pmc.L1li} . i Xti. eoimUuil:. L-iewuni;. But del i <*;h ted Jidtencrs, un Monday evcnina jn thc iiotel gro"urid.s, \v.jre glud to hhow thoir uppreciation ol this <n> .u thing. Thciy had 11 treut of moonlight and. i.elod)'. The trari8luccnt ozurc abovc canopied Uelighted li8tencrb. Thev etrolled or re«ted beDeath the bilver-lined epray ol the algerubu ; and, m0ved by the tender romaneo of 8wect music and the glitter of thc 6tarry glory uf tbe Bky, they were happy. £gT The reoular rueeting of the iouug Men'a ■ L'hrittiian Aesociation will be hel(l on Thursday everiing, at the Lyceum, at half-paHt 7 o'elook. All perBooB are cordially invited to uttend. AcQtJirr8D. — A quartette of " jo!ly eailoni bold " araested on a oharge of re8Cuing a pri8oner from the <justody of an o£ficer were arraigned before Judge Bickerton on the morning of the 14.th inah. and >ifcer 6 patlent hearing by hia Honor, wqro diBcharged. Pukt*ktion. — Tbe Iloard of Heallh lmve taken thc prcrautiou _to . publiah «irnultaneou6ly. iu tbe JdugliBb and native languages ,fhe, fact that " San Prancigco is a port knownio be infected with Hmall poz,*' and the rulea and regulation8 adopted by theip. The aBeiBtance,of our citizepB,ie all that i« .no<^:wary to cn»ure tbia pityCrqm .befTjg invnded by tbie diicful diaeaee. . , ■ ■+... .. Aii. AnotrT a.n' Oka.kok. — The dēparting pauHengcrs, by the steame,r Likelike, on the 6th inBtant, who were epectators of the turmoil an<l trouble at the etarboard forward gangway, will be undoubtedly arnused when they Iearn that the cktend.ed pugnacious display wa'e cau«ed by an orange peddlcr.declining to parr with an orange eurrep titiqu8ly takcri by an employee of thc boat. In eone querjce of tbe said refu8al, he wae shown to tho ga,ngvvay in a rapid manncr. A rnomentary lialt by theprope!led peddler an<! propcllirjg Wutchman waa taken advantagc <;f by tbe peddler, who prw;eedwi to pommei the watchrnan; either comhatarit being reinforccd hy fricnds of foreigrr arj<! nativ<; extraetion, Thc cxcitemer,t for the momenk wa« inienue, heightened sor/ievdiat hy the appeararjce upon the upper <i< ek oi' a philoaophieal engineer, who dteming " distance lent eucharjtment to the view," rer/miri ed at the farther erid 0 f an cighteen-foot oar. 'l'lie affair ende<T at the time without mjult.irfg in neriou<j injury 10 an y 0 f the combatarjts ; but the r/jf,jesty of tbe iaw had heen eucrouohed upon, and t|<e ped<!ler, deeming himself the injured party, procure<! <1. warr ant, an<J, ou the return of th<; Likeiike to thi« port «rj the 12th in«tttnt, tvro of the emp loy<:<:« of tbe Bteamer wer<; arreeted. Arr ftigne<! bofore U111 Honor on tbe !4th inetant, nnil after the pro<iuotion 0 f a nu»b«r ot mimmon or, either «ide, fho evldenee addueed iuduond Judge Bickertor, to di«obarge one ; ot the deferr<ianl<(, and fine the other $l> an<l eo»t«. Admini8trtttiou o i Ju«tice in Chma. We notice lr, the " Oeleekia! Krrjjnro " of 8ej)L :10, In jreport of pr<je«eriirig« rr, tho " Mixe<l Court,'.' at 8har>ghae, tho following ltom. " A man wa« flnod 20 cents for carrying duck« by tl»o feot ; " And it would appear ftom other ovidenceu, , th»t ttll oruelty to aniuiak ia (furnmarily |iunUhed in HhMgh&o court«. We have a hw ptrofidtng jruniabment fbr oruelty to iMamh;

| but it woulil neeui tn he a dead letter in theH0 j i b 1 .'i r 1 < i 1- v «m in Miuie [ilaeo Horc backed and d in - eio<<jd horHCH iui'l mulew nr<: w<irked up to their laht Htruggle« ol vitality ; cattl<: arc lanf< ii:d, liar,ried, worru:d, arid <Jragg<:d like l</gH t" a rude und cruel -:ncthod ol' execution, and turkeyH, j chickens und du<.'ks, aro l)rought to mai ket on | the haek ol 11 horHe, nnd jogge<i along a rough : road \vitli dowtiward li'angirig <0 >n <gei- 1<-<! heiulH. | JuBt to tliiūk of a man l)eing iine'i liere for ■ earrying ducks liouie troin īnai'.kiu, by the fect and witii the iieitd- do_wn . Another iteni in the aitiJiiniHtrainui <<l justiee in a 8hanglwe (Jourl, \v<; n<jtice, " A hlianghae iuiui wan Heriteiiced to une week'e im[iri8onment f'or ti8ing threateiung language at the lioune ui a lo.reigner. " It would eeem th-.it th<: f'oreigner ih pretty | well protected in ,Mianghae.