Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 20, 19 January 1881 — Meeting at Kaumakapih Churcch Add an to His Majesty. [ARTICLE]

Meeting at Kaumakapih Churcch Add an to His Majesty.

& - - ' ' " ,, ' „ a nifetriig (■••</, <A !tnd hcl(J at Kaii/na, kapili (• iuii'eh., ',1, l'ht> !)(;(}, cl)ieIJy cornpC)/icd ,' of naliv<: HhWnia to Cf;rinidcr ihe darigeni that )nigbt ai'ii.e /i'Oin l,heopread of f,he epehemie, :;;rj;vllpox, A )'(:i,oli>lio<> ol' rcmofiHti'(tnef; iri. ronj, <:('.>, l.i) (.he'aeUon of iheheaUI) autliorities wau paewai, and ],!.aced jn ebarge of iion, Nehle f>, K . Kaal, aa a, eommiliee oi' ope, to pi'eeenl, to Ujo King ; Jii(> AJ!.ijc:i;ty'p;rtietotJnly rep)ied, A «eeond r/ieeting !),t K&wmakupi!! v/m helel on the l'/th /uiūl, to reccive a.t,d i!<>i>vd<;r l,h<; ro,yal v/o rdn, aii'J the dejihe) at,ion o! the j/)eetirig /aiiullail )n the JolIciwjng af|fii'e-R to iiie ,\Jnjnnty, ('ii > o/ "lloiKHAiuu, ,lt>,r>i)i),ry I >'><', I To lli» Mā'Ilw/, Ki;.o K/.mhava. VVif.li <>\i<;'ih;ii<;<\ < )r> the /ngbt ol' tl/e lfith .Ianuttry, vre your jeyul euh^eele r«ee!vcd tbe ■ Jtoya'J rcpl,y /elatirig lo oui.i of the i!Kth 'hiiim/Am", A,}),, ĪHHO, through our eommiUee llie Ilon.U. Kaai, JJe pleaned to aeet;pt tho h)gheuf nn:J wanneel, w'iHlieu ot your Mttjeety'/i faithful peoj;le, for fhe kinei anel failhful wamier in whieh you, hāve pen, tmaUy epoken to u«, ir/ reply to our nmnMmmn • By it, your MttjeBty gi vee proof of your pemmal. . jettlouHy((fer the life ,of your pehple,

<MI^imiiimm»IVU»V«»»wiMWI*M»^ ^ 1 jiy it. lilni, y"iu M iji'ity givcH ytair pjv,) popie eauHP tn+n- jaTful iniil-'io- (mihc -oui- heoi'iH, thiough the hopehil word-> you unei', t h il ' }'<>:"' Mtijesty s I (iiiimiiiien t lia.H ('iili'i <'d -criouHly inlo Uk' tnatU'r «I guurding f i'om the Pilnl dunger ol' <• p i- 1 i u -e- , llw fe\v livcs lel'i ol your own people. Willi llie.Hi: MHiuiiiiieo.-, we hnvo llie eiele-i liope- ! nnd eoiiliilenoe in yonr puid;irioi' a.- oui lailn-i mM l lio 1 conductiug (,f alīaii- <-t <>u' t . i' 1 < ■ v < ■ 1 u l- ' : . | iMa ji'Rty 'n oHiuial.-. \Vilh l;eri(le(l knot>. y«ui ATj1'"1.'' •; I" ' ! "" i plove the King "f Kiug.-. heM'oohn.i: hun ' l i -Opw i hi.H saving love upon yi-u. to |iriH'ivcyun .M n.i, -t_\ 1 Lf\ ■ , .«(> tlr" tiio laml ;il,iini,<l wuh 'P.o 1 ■ ■ 1 t 11 ' ' ehull ho (h ri ve<i li'om \ <<ur Mn;<>iy p> i " • < •' U' 1 1 " al.iroad ; ai.M ruay t » <■■ I lu'ip u- all. j SlM",N h ■ h \ \ t (i. \V. l'u.i i •■ • .1. Ki A. j ( ' i, n i ii i i 1 1 i-i- . I Wuiii'i' :uini>i'(l at < > 1 1 i' 1 > i'c>t lu'i' t,(iz> H< •- 1 ,si'i iou.H <liM'Ux.-boii <>l i lii1 i i i ( ) i i i 1 1 ' < • 1 1 i < • u 1 , i'uli"7it.''tl i n u x i ī īi , : ( 1 1 1 • ~ " h i i ) g < ' 1 1 1 td dt>' "«> W'l'OIIU'i " II.HUII ;iS.S('l't ioll <>1 l'ON'ul pl'l'M'IKll inipei'enhililA. 'I'Iie i)iaxini i> a ]'t'C'ogiii/a'(i " I oga I liel.ion" t lial has not liing lo < 1<> willi tlic (jucstion ol' 1 1 1 e <•< >i n 1 1 1 < > 1 1 lot <>1 īiian (<> ei'i'. \Vc are glad llial oii r yotiJigor 1 >i'<>t 1 U'/; so f'i'aiikly <'oiifcsscs :t sy]ii]);il Iiy \vitli lollow si i.iiioi\s ; :i.iul \vo fnlly a])]>rocrato tlial lio. woulel ] >< ']'f'f 'i', as lio says, a Mag<ialoii tliat , oan elo \vrong', lo a .s;iint tliat is not un inolinoel. , i . £5/' Jl Ihi' " t'ily pl s-yiini'_v ' <i"i-:- n<>l r<<iin' I" lal-K* 1 1 is ,\Iajesty oa.-l : it wuiihl le' w'i'll !<" lli-: Map'sly to gO wo.-l t<> t h ■' ( ' i ( y "I Syilnoy. SSf* Tlio i'. M. ']ly "I .->d[io.Y," (ino oii : M oi.flay fuiiii Austreli.i, l..i<! n<>' I1"' "i ai: ap|«!ar- ; : i (:(:<• up to 1 1 1 <• Uino "I "iii g"ing lo pio-:-. jgV* >Sorae Of.c ohiim-; t'o repi eseiit the " hniiiiH :<ti'l "'haeK.hone " of Ihe e<>uutry. Why noi uioluile th(:sinev/ arid museh- lou ? Kon'l ltsfivo out tlie ! " hoye. " ' ! VM"' Mo'rey .ean be borrowed n<<w iu Kngliin<l ut ' CA pei' cent. V :uidei bhl han i/'u lowul ioany millioiiH : !tt thi» r:itc, <lej)0sltirrg l.'. H 1 per o<-ut l.omlh as eol. lolei'al. ' •> | CT/' Tvo loaiii llnil a portion <>f <>ui ;-(> il , alloi'i beirig euhieel to nhemieul a)ia]y»i8 hy a .«oienli, t ol Ihe (!<ml, pn>d'icoi) abotit, IK', j)f;r eei 1 1 . <>J j>ci'Oxide of ii'on. i'ei'hap:; v/c li:iv<! wilhin t bc howiiu : o I (>ur liilfu tlie eleei n<ir: thal me to gjr<lh' an<l , ei'niii'on evei,y i«!c ol our ;\i'ohipeiago. j (f 'l'he fo!lov/ing p!iH"»eiigf'i\f 'ire l)<<okfd h>r Hj) n j J',ra»ci> eo, {,< )'" Hi)y of Hydncy,"- ■iyt«°bh'y«\y ihe j Kin'g, II, .Judd,*W. N. ArriKtioiig, Heo. tV. ,\)no- | f«,rlttn<;, l?r. Jl, Kmilh aod wile, JK W. .liuiion I arsd wife, Mr«, -K. (I. Wilder :ui<f ehihlnm, Mina! Lnmh, H, Mttgriiii, •II, II. Kmilh,, J>r, Waden, i\lrn. ,J. j 'Moll HinUh, J >r, M&i'Mli'ih, A. l/ei'heH. 'i"//" On Mondfty cve/ii ng, the c)a»«es <>!' tbe Jjveri., ing 'l'eehnleal Kelieol in eoneeHion wiih Ht, LouIh Hollege r/ic:t for the lirst time nnd the «ehool wjw lorm»!Iy oj/ened* Addre8Ke« wer« del)vered hy Jlev, J'ii,ther La'ikiu, Mheui'lenl, of the Hollego) )'rof<mor .Nioholn, l'rofmsor J'opovieh, ftod olher gentiereen> pmmnl Tv/eety ,live pupile er»rollod lher/nielvot!, »nd it io (■/,(>i:<;l<i<l lhttt many moro v/i)l take ttdVttotiige of tbe unuopal advuntugon (hio ovo/> i,ng (iohool. ollom, {{//' At 'the looturo and eonoert'yoiderda;/ eveuiug ttt, Ht, Kouīh He)loge, JI1h M»jeety llio J7iig, :u»d J Jcr Jf.oyul Jlighnooo l'nnni.nn L'ikOhl'o (;)oghorn, wilh ofher mwnher» ol' tho m^al hoiwiehoW v/ere pH'iion», IWeeeoi' .Mieliole, v/ho l"eetiired on " biglite und uhii/iowi! of oi<r timee thougli evidei<lly lahonng under eomo phyiiiettl du;:ihility, v/»,<! v/ttimly applauii-. od at tho oloeo, Mim M<>hng')i oinging ttv/akoned a <great onlliiieiiiiim, a/id eho v/o.e thrioo. hettrt,ily eneered. Mro, J*ov/ler oatig. w<t.h a oloae, ov/eot vnioe, ttnd eho ar«J hor ihetor, M'm Klurke, roeoivod a htmrty applaww,

Our iioighh"r i- now; gu-lrij;z wuii .• \aiiy I thr King ; I»" UiH 'Mm^ohi}' (S pivcn 11 n .i- 1 -t ;ir, i thal tt is euiuliliimal. tlcit lln- ^u-li w i.l »•>• ni iint i!i: c<l, I.lily HS :.-tm •< i tl>i' >"<■>' " ] W'iii '» '<.11 ! • i )! '<': '<■ t ll.e /;»;<//<'', polilieal |"'Ol unu"' ,\' ' 'lll 1! -MM 1. I '"••• 1 — 1' ' I "• • , V ,,,, ■ -u; i! ■• i • < !•• *• * 'i!! ' ' il •.-!■••■•!<•<; /• - u ! • • > )< 1 \<"' t I" •: I" I ' " p '"i" . I "• "■ a ī; ' ' 1 ■ ! 1 : < ■ ' ' 1 ' " ' >' , ■ .. v ! ' - " o ' ' ' ; K \|„ !, . , .. I. \\ l'. ' I i' . I! :':•• e i . , \ i i , • , , i ■ . I > ui,- '• e i > 1 • 1 • ' • 1 ' 1 1 ' • i . * ; u, :u i • , ' ■ i " ! i ■ i .••> \ %•>•><•. > i •• :i: •• •• - , ; i , V | ,. | •• ,. •■ u 1 ■ : I ' l' /}' I>. liink,- MeKi'n/i^, K><]., ( t S'in l'i'Miie'.-' delivered an :ui<ln'S> <»i 'l'empei anee in l'"i t s :-'p,nrcii, 1 :ist* "Ku i-MTry^nrFīT+īTTT^Ttn:v:i s a ppwni» su[lei'ing frum iiulis[)".-in<>i , i>ut it tlu' ;\ • 3 1 1 rc- s ed sometiiing <>f his usual foi'c.' ami i m pres>ivei: i*--of manuei' in tliat accouiit, it \vu- i'nll ot wtight; matter and oai iiest appea f. Mr. Maekeiw.ie 'ea\i - here forSan Kninei.-eo, hy llie" City of Sy>lm'y •"