Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 20, 19 January 1881 — Supreme Court. JANEARY SESSON, 1881. Before His Honor the Chief Justice Chas C. Harris, Esq. [ARTICLE]

Supreme Court. JANEARY SESSON, 1881. Before His Honor the Chief Justice Chas C. Harris, Esq.

On 'l'uosil,ay , llih in»t. , ihe ('ouil sat m (><r <■ and di8poscd of honie a|>pea],s aiul "ther hiihine--, Thc i)roceedings aie ut no jiul>lic in'tere.-t. On Wedne.s»luy the ea.-e agaiiist. E. (,'. \Vinstuii 1 iii]tortii)g opium, wiih IhmiiI, aod ihe jury by ;i !riaj"iity ol nine to ihree hrought in a verdict <>t u>: guiltv. Mr. K. I'io.iloii appea i'oil for the ('i'own ai: 1 : VI r, J/hvLiL(>ii Jor.ahe dcleusc.. i 'l.he Civil ciihe.s lbr Iorcian juries followe<l, aiol a vcrdict lor ihi' plaiiiiill l'oi- s;'l->t>.S'l \'v»s giv<'ii in t:.< ca.se <>l ( "le.'man vs T!:onius ainl M<;Wayne. r Thursday \vas ooeupioil l>y rlie ea'ee of l>. Alii' vha I'oiig <:t nl , in wtiioh tl;e plainlill was hU(;ees-lt; 'l'lie ju ry (leeiiii ng llial. Kne ilel'einla hih wei'e |iai tm iiiinl mm ew-i ng iln; <laiiiag<-- nl S?ob>S. On l''riday. t!i<; <:.:< - <■ A. \V< le'n vs Tlioinns KpHu'''! . wm, l)0;i l <1. A ver(liel li.r tlie plaiiilill for Ss 7 , 7--1' 1 * > \vaf- giv<;ii. tn wlneli Mi'. .1. M J Javids(;ii . euun-el f.*i tli<: ,<li;f<;nsc, „i'xeepled ai-. againsf liol.li lmv uwi < • v i • i < ■ t > o o . h' 1 1 u i <l o y , 1 •"> I ] i i 1 1 - 1 , , w'mh dev"leil to 1 >i vf i <•< ('aK'h, l)ivorcc Wmh <a 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 < • < I lo Kealiiwi'la (\v) ml relu-e<l t<> Kalioki ( v<). 'l'he eiu-e Kauki (w> w l'alii v/as 8el.lied hy a i'eeoneilialion iu C(>url. ,\Joiiilay u ii'.I Tu<'sdiiy woie < u ;<; 1 1 ] >i ci 1 I >y t )i<- >1» pute>l will ea'-e l'Uiown iih ihe Mu'i ill enee, in wl.iH: iianih (,'lia|>man Wee'i ia llie (lel'eiiihuil.