Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XVIII, Number 21, 16 October 1924 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

STATEMENT 0F THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CTRCf LATION. ETC. REQUIRED BY IHE ACT | OP <50NGRESS OF AUGUST 24.1912. ' * Of KA HOKU O HaWAII PUBLiSKiSG GO. LTD, publisi 5 eJ Weeklj tt Uiio, f«r Qctobtr 1924 * ot Tarri%ars of Hawmi . , i - c5! <County o! Hawali * s "Seforc rae, s Kotary fu ainl for tho au<3 HVorcßaīvi, kpp«*r«a S, T/. D#«h* sr. who, h«iviug Hvn i!utj swom *ccordiug io Uw, *nn s*y« that he la tW Buslue»« of ibc K» Uoiu o il*w*u «*ttbitsU>a« Go, I*l. «md that tbe &>llowhi£ iB, to th? b«st lits * uru« 6Uwm«ut cf th« m*u*svaicut (aud u * d*us jwj>cr, ctrvuUUoa} *tc, of thc *kresaU i,'ul>liic*Uo& foi l"h« 4atc sko« u iu iU *iiww o*4l- - hv tht> Aot. of £|.omlv^nu*o»:iiou Uo,Poau»L*wa l «»d Rwt«l»Won». pflnt*vī on tho nn<*>r»e of tln» totm, wīt: | 1%»! tk» wmik« *nd tho puMUiHct. v\\ītor, in*n*guts v\\itot *ud «i»d bu*ioM» U3sEa*crt <trv FaMifriier K* Hokn o ti*w«u rubii&hUig Co LtJ INīloe L. Sr. Hik, H*««U M*atfiug S, L. £k*b*Sr» *• Bu»ue« M«a*get« L, I>e4i* St, Th*t ih** o«u«ni *r« u*m«* *Uvt *41rc««os c£ iudiudu*i o«<ihu;*« if * r«t 4e t* Li*mc *ud lUe u&moe &u<J *ddxv«&os a «Mi«C <* bofcHn« 1 i*r o*ol cr «iotf ot &c UUI *mctta: o *u>c4, J ] S» JL 0«»h* St» Uilo. H*«*īi ! Mre. W. k, Btv>wu m „ ] Est*tc $. K*u*V*buv R. Tt\*t ike knowu K>»vihoiacr*, cth»r iwiaei* owau* ! v\n wr.t or t«oīv of to**} *mount ot Kmkl*. « *h*i *c— *T«c thtro ak* iHia*. *o *t*fcrO Tfe»t tU« «\«t*jee uuujWr cf of «*ch uttu« of ih» i*u&ic*UvV *sw īiw »i*;k o w MUu »ttbtcuVen *a **»&» liw <i*ic *ho \u *bpv« v . i t w S, 1« WSSBi SH. n> i!sWi thli I*l. vkj <sf <Xub<i« *\*4 "#* • j©hm K. mM , NMlm «li J*iW*l OkhH» T \U i*9 «MUMMh» 19 i