Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 33, 26 February 1936 — VARSITY DANCE TO BE HELD SATURDAY [ARTICLE]


A iai'Ke .croy,'fr fs:. r.:ij3octt;d 11 ur L ' ;i: ' L ' ar wliu h is M.on M>f, <i Februāry 29 at the Hilo lligh school gym umler the auspi r od o f' thu riiiversi,ty of Hawaii- alumni ovche^tr a wil) i'umieli th t m Ub j e ' for Ihe daj)ce. . . - r ' i Th e hāll wili bt> (h>ioru<ed ūi a nov.,i theme by Hiehanl Ooilo and assīstants. Tiny houquet.H \\jli be sold duri"g the eveniiig by I\li.ss Hhizuko Kakano . aiuī her eomniiHep. Refresfhments will be 'served with Mrs. Martha Ludloff, Mrs. Anha Hooj;ii anel Mrs. Juliette Kashinoki in chargc. Oreen and whiie poslers carrying out tlie unive.rsity. colors hāv e been distributed among the loeal stores. Henry Lum and Roberl Uow, Olaa schooJ teach( r~i, were on the i>oster committe«. : i -

(■ and ])atron«'scs s .tlie ! d«nce win be Oomniiijsioner aud Mrs. i Nonn&n ♦!>. Godboh\ Super\ibing P?inI eipal niid Mrs. Engenc Horner, Mr. and Mrs. Guirlo Giticomeiti. Mr. aiul Mrs. Koji Mr. and Mrs. Mignel de la Crnz. Mr. aml Mrs, E. L. Wung. Mr. aml Mk. Clyd - Crawforcl, Mr. and Mrs. Altx T>osha and Miris ; Rebecr:a Bohnenberg. ■

Tiokets fOr the (lanee may be obtained from members of the ciub in : < Uiding Miss Elleii lmamuia and Mrs. ukino N.'Tsuzaki, who are in charge of tlie ticket sale,-