Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 35, 18 March 1936 — BIG ISLANDERS DESIRE MURRAY [ARTICLE]


While Lou H. W hitclioubu rtmaiiis silc,nt regtirdaig liis pians oii taking office as. teri'itoiial eoiumiaa.oiiei- of yilbjic . lan(ls, looal . cii-cles ai - e busy wurking fur thu reta;iunig oi' t;harle3 L. Murray sub-ageiH ior thc J3ig :Islaiul o£fice.

a Qiialified surveyor wlio has nev.er been. liiikud \vith any. ioiia of poliiieal activiLy, altliough. first named dui'ing Uie Ilepublican adminiotra.tion, is being suppoi'Led a$ a eapahle aiul experienced niau who • has . demonab'ated hia ability iu tho j pōsition. Ile took offic.e wheu oliarles II. t W, Hilelieoek rei>igned. Prominentiy reported to be st eking tlie position are fi.ve men, =Tlujnias" Pedio, Jr„. Vic B. Harrel, Williani .1. Paym:,. William K. Kamau aiul Jolui T. Carter, . ' .. ' , Pajne, now (_ngineer with tl)e FERA ofl'ice, and Kamau, fonner utember o£ i Uie . tt*rt itorial sen,ato, are stirveyors aud engineers. Pedr.o is a promincnt polilieal leador, Harrel is a collector, i and Carter ran £or the house in the v last election an<l is reported to be worki.ng for liis campaign for sherif£ t.his [all, to i'un on tlie liepuhlioan ticket. ■ VVhitehouse, however, has ivfrained froin even the slightesl comnient regardiirg whai he .will do in tlie matter. Ho Stiiled Sunday afternoon for >lonolulu aud at present, is coiiriucd at Waimea with an injured ankle.