Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 39, 15 April 1936 — ROYAL SOCIETY ASKS FOR JAGGAR [ARTICLE]


Dr. Tliomas A. Jaggar, \vorld famous volcano!ogist, will be sailing from Honolulu next , Saturday eii route to the West Indies, in auswor to. a request from the Royal Society of London to accomi)any an expedition to the island of Montserrat. Permission has been .aslced from national park aulhoriLies for the loan of his services to the British go.vernment, He sailed from Ililo Sunday for Jlonolulu where he plans to take the Luiline for the mainland on Saturday. . .

While in Honolulu Dr. Jaggar will xepeaL his recent on. Uie bombing of tlie lava flow at Mauna īioa. He will also wait for percnission from Washington to proceed to the West Indies, He explained that the Hoyhl Soctety of London acts as advisoiy to 'the government, and the nūssion about to .be sent to Montserrat will consist of an engineer, a geologist and a pljysicist. Montserrat is an island in the West lndies belonging to Great Britain, and has an active volcano. It is at present expenencing many e«iithauukes > whieh have been going 011 for more than. a year, until the_ inhabitants have become alarmed. This islaiul is close to the island of Martini<iue whieh coutains the volcano of Pelee whieh suddenly became active in and destroyed the city of St, nen-o wit"h a friijhtful of Tifo. Dr. Jaggar will sail via San Praucisco and the l'anama eanal, arriviug at his destin;ition ahoul the mUUlle of ncxt momh. lle expeets to return via Washington, D. C. and will probably bo absent from the Big Islanl ial»out two months.