Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 14, 5 August 1936 — Hilo Gas Firm May Cut Rates [ARTICLE]

Hilo Gas Firm May Cut Rates

The liilo < iiis Oompany has aptu tiu> territorial publie utilitios <'nmniifssion for appKOViil to roduee the rate for gjis suppliecl ■t'3 co isumers, it was leai'Qed Mon day moniinir. *The applieation is saut to «iave heen sent to tho cojn niissiun Satnr(lay. If the rcquest is acted upuii fa-vorably, the new, rates are xpeet(Hl to go into e!Fect in October. .James Hemlerson, general nianag:or of the company, confinned the rei»ort of the action. Vl lt has ahvays becn our policy to keep our rates as low as is consistcnt with the efficient o}x-r;i tion of JLhe eompan.w' 1 During the past year he said, "the number of peOpk who liavc turned to as a fuel for cooking and heating has l>ecn so frreat that we aue liow ablc to nuike the reduction." , The coinpany has beeu establishecl sirice 1017, since whieh time serv r .ice has been seriously interrupteJ but onee, when ihe plant wns floode(l by a severe storm.