Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 24, 14 October 1936 — FORTY FIVE MILE SPEED ON OAHU IS LEGAL THERE NOW [ARTICLE]


The 45 mile speed bill, after months of conisideration and amendinj? by the Oahu board of supervisor.s passed its third and final reading last week and was senfcto themayor for his sig-nature Upon the niayor's approval tho ineasure will become law. Terms of the bill provide for a legal sj)eed of 45 miles an hour over eertain designated stretches of federal highway on Oahu

The bill was originally intro iluced Charltrs S. Crane,Tmore than three months ago, The traffic safety commission, after study, tl6cMhed to reconimentl passagc.

As amen<led the l)ill permits the higher speed over portions of new federa) highway specifically approved by tē"rritorial aiid oity countyengineers as safe for sp'eeds up to 45 miles. ' ; l .

About 45 miles of such road around thc island is declased to be built for this and higher speed. The traffic safetv commisson has recommended that signs be posted along the highway to indioafed wheie the higher speed is pormissible. -V The 4r> mile speed is prohibited on roads leading through rural Oahu towns and villages and on 300 feet of roads leading to the Pearl Harbor entrance and past Wright gate"leading to Sohofi»;ld Barracks.