Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 44, 24 February 1937 — Work Rushed To Compete Magic Exposition Island [ARTICLE]

Work Rushed To Compete Magic Exposition Island

Anny ol WorkuK'ii Spoeds Fh>it Ks.hit>it ltuitdings T;iko Slmpe | SAN FKANCISCa Fol>. I?isinyj from bonoath the b!uo gra,v of thc hay liKe a lost conti- j nont, a. islan<l is, grailuall,v takinj»- >haj>o horo as tho >ito for j thc l>iautiful r.»3'.> (ioklon (iato Intornational Exja>sitio}K \Vith jriant puuips aml <lri;Jjros su< kinjr ttuis v>f Ulaek suiul from tho !>hoals InMioalh. an<l spillinjj it into.,fth«yjo s<juaro rimuiod h.v a stono soawall, tho islaiul this wook ,wtus 7<> |K'r oont oomploUul. Th».s wook. aooonli{ig to ivjH>rts from K,\position hcsi<{quartcrs, »iioro than l'iO') workmon aro at work. l>uik)ing tho t\>nstructit>jr forry slij>> rivotinij: tlu sto*4 framo\vork for tho first K\position hnikHnjrs, U is osti»nat*o<l that this numl»or wUt U* lo»l h> inM-stimmor. j Compktion of tho| islautl is| for Aujrusl U whon 20J ouh»r \ aitls «f .sun>l an«t: mhor iuatorial \v»H Wvo Kou hat.Usi fmm tho to form tho K\jwv>iltioti sito. lt h anil ill Ik- * monmuontal task - hut a tnhut«* to skil! injjewnitjk of tho l\S. Arnu\ % s Corvs of on jsrtnf*M*s, W*»rk is t!inloi wav *lrv,tti,\ ou thuv at tluy o»nl of tho islaiul H*l]uiftinj£ YWl^ I Th«\\ t«v |>tr«»auont|>nuUuiV4s ot»o t » !n*thv UuiW tr»£<.»f!hv OjM-!-athi<r K\|H«.Mtioi. aiul lhr ntimioi|iitl air|»»»rt-U)-U\ otl»or> t« 1»»* oxluhit i*tor U> lr .! isstn hatyr»rs Tl*is nvi\ *t oowrimr t*:t t« KiL|HWl»oti |i»bofv j«f »i r*l olhvt * KUI U |Itt thv W4t*r4u»u,^ \\stk tus ail! W 4H ? - - ■: | - .. ■ | 1 m» n vmtA v^4 1 ' "41 ** 4i>v ...