Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 47, 17 March 1937 — Rice Bill On Terr. Salary Seales Higher Now In Senate [ARTICLE]

Rice Bill On Terr. Salary Seales Higher Now In Senate

| A sc«.k» of suiiirics for territoto 4 ,">(( a ,v€ur i.s j.»rovide«l ia tfro i'culuaailication bill iutroduced iu tht;.s<iaiito iioada.v by Scnator Ch;u\lc:>> A Kiee oi' Kuuai, Senal\.icu suid his }>ro|)osed scal(j is u|ji)roxiinutfli I<i jicr ceat agaiast (1r- o\istinjf i'cdcrui scale.

/1 he .s(.-uk' is c:)nsidvrab],v higher Ihnii that introducod. ju the house before liist, b.v Bpeaker lio,y A. \ UoLKM-k 'l iu' scaJo proposed b.v Vitousek |starts at $600 aod tfoes.uji to , a year. Th« tvi-ritoriuj saiar r v for all eahinjeL - <>lf eoi'h fxpcct the atfcornej is nuw a yoar. j LTiider ,the bill territoriai eui — h»lo.vo>s woukl lx' iJividod according f t>, the g"nerai nature of w«rk, Eueh elas>ificatio« is to uvi:ordiujf to th« kind of woi k the iiidiviJtiiil,s employes do A third divi>ion uppiies to length of serviee for whieh differeuice salai'i€s ai-c.provided v

Enual pa.v i'->r e<jual ,vork unde eonu»arable e mi >loymeut conditions, irres|,eetive of sex of the in~ ,ciunbeuts. isthe major provision ineluded. Evor.v position in terrltoriā! serviee woukl be fied.