Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 50, 26 May 1937 — Leaders Join In Tribute To Rockefeller [ARTICLE]

Leaders Join In Tribute To Rockefeller

The nat!on*s leaders jol«ed today in tribut« to John D, RockefcHer, Sr., oii bil!ionalre who died early Sunday at his Ormond Beaeh» Hs. t estatc. Comments included; Dr. Eoberi Maynard Hutchins, presiaent of Chi<ago l'niversity — "Ch;icago Universlty lias lost lts f©under and freatest betielfactor, Rockefe*ler*s pi£s<m«al gr?rts aggregat«l appr<ftslmately $35,000,000, »hile tbe foundations !io vroat: d eontributcd an equal amount. #|*He rcrused to pemiit the | univer#!ty to bear his nanie, and } n«!ver Inlerfered dirc<tty or indircetly wUh trustees' freedom qf artk>n. or the facuity's freedpm of thoußht in teaching." . Gov. H«rbert I/'hman, New York-»-"Rockcfellet wis a man i of un«suai abir.ity and gieat ( vision. I offer »ny sincere svm- i to his | Speaker of the Hou*e of resent»Uv«H WUUam B»nkhr»<l —»"The n»iited States wiU jxtourn RockefcUcr, lle w.»s thc greatest of alt phUanthrr»pists. Llfe expectamy has been infre»tty by the Rockefetler fwjind*tion "

& linpoi L-i PI clgiirot.s, whioh ftveriig<H3 īf,310,000.00i' ;uuuiul!y durHlg iWfi-iS3O jp*'tk>d. ;o 7.",000,000 y€'Al n,s a rou\\ oī i;i-ci-ming pnx!\uMion uini <*"f i. -&:To7 Oahu fcd n K £chocn I.U! U'4s a pi«Stn6Cr ti. n.wolnin y-.- ' by |)Jrtno >»!•. .i ' hott f»ii. »h