Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 52, 26 April 1939 — The Charm of Hawaii [ARTICLE]

The Charm of Hawaii

Scenery, Climate and Travel Experiences Are Hawaii's Tourist Industry Products Bv HAWAII TOURIST BUREAU

<'arved b.v friendly volcanos, colored \vitli vivid hues of the subtropics, anei carpeted witli flagrant liowers, the Hawaiian Islauds are favored by aature nud locatlon. Here is a ianel tliat is tropical in iispe<'t but temperate in cliujate; a land of abttndaut suTishine, eooled by the ever-present trade winds. Here are enchanled mountains and bewitcbing beacbes; nmsic and beauty everywliere. EnteHaii)iug visstors to Hawaii lias reached the status of an inēiK/ try — the "third industry v of the Is3ands. The growth of this enterprise, whieh has meant the steady improveuieut and additiou of trafacilities as well as a growth in the liow of vueatiou U'ailie, has lieeu foslered by the Hawaii. Tour- ] ist Bureau —a pioneei* eommunlty j l»romotk>n iu the Pa-!

cific aren. As the various forms of advertīs-i-ng aml i>romotion hy this senii-gov-ern ui e 111 a 1 ui - £SU»is!;fUiori have brought jesuits ia the foriu of an ever-increasing stream of holiday traffic, the lluwaii Tourist Bureau has eonstantly broa(]ened the seope of its reereatioi» <lepartinent actīvlties, helping tlie vaeationi.st to enjoy iiis stav In the lSlands. Maps ahd guide books are given the Tisitor after he arrives in Hawaii. In Honoluln t.lie Bureau maīntains commodlous headciuarters for newcomers. Here visitors niay use the Bureau"s īnf(»rniation serviee to as-| si«t tlieiu in tlieir travel and enter-l tainment plans. To coordtnate this service the Bureau issues a daily TO DO-TOI)AY BUfdLBTJN r wWleh is posted at all hotels. A novel activity of thc travel assistance division of tlie Tourist 13«lonu hns heen the erection throughout <he islands of Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Kauai and Molokai of a series <»f robot «uides. These are pln< e markers iu the form of Hawaiinu Wiirri<>vs polnlhiiī to !<l>otS nf hisiori<-. eoonie an<l legendar3' interest. fM-eneiy, <liiuate, unusual cusan<i mii<iue iravei experlences . . . all <>f the#ie might be listed as sh.e "prodncts" in whkii the 'Hawail T<>urist Bureau dcals. An esamlnalion of t'.hese that attract travelers to tlie "Paradiso Isles", iherefore he of interest in| tliis deseription of HawHti's "third industr,v." Iu ilie tii st plaee it must l»e oin-1 phasiised ih:it Honolulu, ulone, is not liuwaii. of Ihe t\ Terrltorj of Hawaii, lloiiolulu !fi tlie lnri;os( , !ly in llie Islaiu!s iuhl tho iualn port: tln- < for Meiiniship iines fro:n the Orient. Ni»rth .\merit u, Austntli;t, Now Zeahmd. nnd nr<)uud the world; atid the Ihiwalian hasc for the weeUlj*; transTiulfl<- rtipper alrplane servlce. Honolulu and the islaud of Oaliu j on wlikli ii is loraUsJ, uiake up, j h<nvevcr, one phaue of uu Ila- j wulian vacatiou trlp, Other vaca- j īlon ii<lvoi]turi « ;ue tu he foutul oti j t!io <»utl,v!nii Mmihlk: naw«{s, \vlth J its livo vol, nnos, Natloual rurk,! siiid fonntleNs oilier iitlriM'tSons; , Miiui, !ov««ly "VaHey Jis3aiid" \vlth | lts Houkc of the Sutt; Hiid heaull-, ful Kaual, known ns ilie "Garden ■ īs|«'" of the entirt> group. Modeni stca»ners and 10i>a&seu srer amphil>i<.n air llners pn>vide re. Sfll»r !«'rvlce frem Honoluhl to tlies<> other islaiids. Hon<»hilu, <»f eoufiii', i» stArt iiiK polnl for ever\ Hi|\\uUau vacft lion itl»»r!ir,\ M,'iiiy Tltltor« ehUaī" thut it Ss tii*e of the U|o»t row&uUc ports in (he wort<l Tlie diviQ|c t! f tlu' hrtrb"r, ihe rity'ii fsi« <<ii«> U<<m«l H.'nvitihtu p!n>Uig !<nd vHīj»liij> the (low*er fīiirliuid lru<tHi<m glw att nlr of to tlie arti\al ōf evei\v Hnei. Ilonoiniu, wsth Uh pittures4ue, pallt!'lined aud ]tk digt|uct hUiUi»eHjs puMii i}Uiidinga, f<ir ll<e new Urrlval a pīe lun 4 tmMr»lJ><>ntiih utw<tSttif>ro by Uie prvsciiov of gKUbli'

frnr!e n\arks usuan.v associated wlfh thc snb-tropics. Asldo from its interest for tlie siglitsoer and <he world trnveler, tbe oity offcrs īlie finest fafilities for cnltural enjoyment. witTi excēTTent librarles, musenins. anfl art acailemīes, There are many well planneel tours In lionolulu and around Oaliu by automoliile; and an interesting ctrrle of the island hy li*ain and bus. ' There are hundreds of miles of fined p.ived highw ays on alī_ the luain islumls and auto trips are enlianced l>y the absence of roadside billboards, whieh have boen lianned by law uuU publtc oj)it)ion. Muny ot tbe trips wind tlirough fieltls of Migur eune nud pineapples — the "wliiti: uiul yellow £old of Hawaii" —representiug tlie TerrUory's nia;jor industries.

Oue ol' Uie fiuest \iews in tlie world is said to be tlie panoraiua of a large seetion of wiudward Oaliu ihut unfolds froiu Nuuanu l'ali, at the pass in Uie Koolau mouiiiuiu rauge just u short distance froxu dowiito\vn lloiiolulu, II was ai Uii.s spot iu 17i)5 that; the I' ta-eat Hawaiian hero King Kamehaiuehu I, con<juered tlie island of Oahu by pushing the defeuding forces of Kiug Kalanikapuie over, rhe 1207-foot precipice. īu takinpr the trips from Hono-' lnlu to the ouilying īslands the va-' cationist; does not encounter a re-, petition of seenery and travel ex-| j ]H-rienves. bec;tuse eaeh island has| ; its own distinctive attractiony. j I.ush, flaming foltage has earned, lor Kauai islund ihe desiguatiou asj Huwuii's "Uarden Islaud." Oeolo- ] Kicaily it is tlie oldest island, ānd it was here tli»t Captaiit Cook disco\ ered Ūie I.slauds iu 1778. Kauai is rkh in folklore, und roiuautic legcnds uve rehited to ueeouui for niauj- of tlie interestiug pliyslcul characterii<tics of the issluud, sucli ajt the o»aut, the Hole-in-tl>e Mt»untuin, uiul tlie Menehunej ! >itcii built by Hawaiian "good fairies" (nienehunes). Outstanding ] beanty spots of the islalid include' Hn'nalei bay on the northern coast , near the diffs of Na rali, and Lawai īieaeh on the soufhern ■ coa?t. Waimea ranyon, ;t richly! o«rpefed fror«re laced wltli water-| falls. i!s the outstandinsr attraetion of Kanai. Natural oddities tm the island,] ratige froin the \veird "barking"! s»nd dunes of Nohil! to a "Kllding' hntlit«h", where Wiilpahee falls' f«rm n nntunil slio<'t the-fhutes int<» a fresh \vnler swinimittg pool,] «nd inrlude on the ?outhern ooast,] the Spo«<int- Horn. a mus!cal sa!t ] w»fer pev«t»r fnrmed by the act!on of the fs«rf on an unueaal form«t»on. T.Brpe«t of all the TlawaUuu I?hnds. and thercfor<' ofTerlu£ tliO wldest varlety of aitraottona, i« Hnwall. the T«!tnid rt of the irro«p Wlth!n the clrclc of its !wlm llne<l shore>; nr,» 1 moTintnht>j, h\e voīcanoft, fern for ■ nn<l an !i«i>resitlve sectlon of ( the V £. Nniionnl l*ark oha!n. ; Hawii!! ls!and o!Ters a great diver ! Mty of trave! ex|>erto»ee!i, &m! ltf off the heaten-trs<!% setl!oitsi are «teeprd in ĪT!iwa!l;in tr;id!tlon and ht*itofy They are the last ltron| !n frt<<. of the fO <aUed 01d i T*«wall. | Vi-!4<»»> u< «l<c unuai jly makv iheii ltcudauivrtcrs $t t>ac , of fom* pl«i<-<> : ,Vt Hllo ou thc i-onst; īn the T?«waH >?*tional ' ; .11 Kii!tus on thc wcst hn the Kmm <i!>.trl,!. stid at Ksmu'e!ji 1n the itorth TTlto. sHaate<s on a !<nel\ c»-»'s«-enf tm\, is the tuaTti !port of Ihe !sltnsd and tlte secou4 h(»nrecf c»tv ht the Tshtml* ln |he j NHiioit»{! i l a:k ibciv a lioiel &llu j «U<\i eii thc \crj brluk of £Ukui& I * ojcmUh Kv»Utt, lu th«- )|«ri of 014 b h fUWfm#u * 4mu*4l»^ T)ie hv-flt!,vn nt }»d«fid i»< nvtMfß lliwinīu and llāuali Oie »>f Maui o» evt»rr te»ttri<! !t!i\en.r,\ A v»*t the <ftor!<l*i« «1«?'

iiiatit volcano—<]omin:U<'s ;i large section of the "Viilley Island/' It 10,000 fopt higli and )ijis fi i'ii'mmi'enenii 1 at t!u» siiuimit of 21 jniles. It i>- well mnneil Haleakala. whieli means ■ , llou>-o <>f the

Sun." because sunnse atul Kuuset, viewed froni its rini ";tt the top of tiie world" are aiuong tlie grande!«t spectatles in all Hawaii. Knowu as aiaui's "scenic drive" is rhe īi'ip alon-j,- the nortliern eoast of the islaud to Hana at the eastcrn tip of the isle. lt is a rare auto adventure <ifferin.L r inspiring seenei\v, past greaī waterfalls, along doep green valleys, dizzy i-oast c!ifl's, throuirh Im'mhoo forests and roadways lined witli foliage. All of wliieh is a hrief higlilightinjr of tlie attractions of the four niain Hawaiian islauds: Oalni, Hawaii, ilaui and Kauai. But a visit to Hawaii is iuore ihan'a inere sightseeing trip. There are things; to do well as places to . see. I'' rh;ips you'l] he the lionōred guest at a luau (native feast), and there you'll see the real Hawailan hula. In addition to tlie regular sports—golf, flshing, polo, teianis— there a«e new Hawaiian sports to watch: baret'ootbHl7; s'«rfboard po]i), a hukilan lisliing festival. The Ilawaiian* say that if you vislt the lslauds oiiee you'!! alwuys wanl lo i'eturri, Tbere ls a magic—a mag-. netr-(o c<iiiil shores aud ,«lanting palnts.