Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 12, 19 July 1939 — This Kind Of "Joke" Really Doesn't Pay [ARTICLE]

This Kind Of "Joke" Really Doesn't Pay

VANOOUVER. Wash. (UP) — Maurice Lies, 26» told pollee he was "Just tryiug to scare her" when he itlleiredly kidnaped the IS-months-old son of Mrs. Aliee Winston, diTt>rcee whom he wislies to inarry. The farmhand was arrested witliln two hours after Mrs. Winston reported disappearance of her ehilO. Mrs. Wlnstou said she dld not wlah to proseoute, but county autho. rittes said they uiight pre!is khlnap rharses under whieh Lies nji|tlit rewlve the njaxtmum penalty of death. or life iuiprlsomueut.