Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 18, 30 August 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

r«l>ular uf ihe day:; Havt*. you pn yi'ur niller skates? Some of these Hilo restauiants have a- queer idea cf e"tertaining patrons. Nobody wants to eat and listen to a radio with a crooner program turned on fulī blast. Folks go to restaurants . to enjoy their food f not to be tor- j tured. j Kejoi«i'ns tln> b:unl al'ier U lias btvn ou a v;u'ali"i* like ing luH-k to uf(vi' u)> able summor. j GOOD OLD DOMEI * j 97 SOV(ET PLANES REPORT- i ED DOWNĒD.—Newspaper head- ! line. The Japanese flying corps must have somebody better than Baron von Richtofen or Eddie Rickenbacher. SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:

"iMwne folks ai'ouiiil liore ilon'l s<Hnn to hnvo limt> to -!"p :it a stop <isrn- thoy ju*t liosit;iH'" DESERT POME NO. 39 The vast Kau desert's No plaee to g£t iost in, So don*t go across you*re driving an Austin. EVERYTH»NG FR-R-REE ■ * WAILIIKU, Muui (Siwvifto— t<nvn was host to some 400 \var vt»torans this wook. Thoto was freo be©r for ovor % vbody, atifl free luneh. Aftor a clost> oliork uj> it lias been proven tlmt tliere i>s no truth īn tlie report tliat owr 100'. stayed in t!ie town (hiring the entlre two days. HOLLYWOOD NOTE Hawaii will haye a visit from Charlie McCarthy soon. j That wood-n't surprise us a b!t. * BUT SHE'LL NEVER 8E A ■ BLONDE j

I.iHh' iv:unlHu»s. tlie o{Tt< e t>ot., h;(v y> lnHMi Vo)\\ piMlhl ot l»* i r j hliul, hair. !<u( wīuni s4»«*j nuue havk irv.m in»r vsnaiiim iw! llonoluhi i! h:Ki oolor, It j s«h»s <Ih> a ptir^ftolōgi-M iluw utul £<« Iwi' rēa<J, Mussoiirii is reported to be a : of h«art trouMe. I That's r«ws to us W« didn*t ; know he had one. j UM«ER-UCK Tht»r»> wa - j o««f wan of KaVailni \YSi<t itiv»-sltHl hU aougli !u s\ hUi Thnt vi u\ \ ouil aiuī shH%s, But H won! o»t ihe r-vks ASJ)I hr >5V n $»» v v . | 1*39 «mUe; A* non«hatant at j • bus dr>ver starchīn ō f©- f»rēs j «n m Kamehameha «v#nu*. | I»r. Miu Hin i-i <ho namo of" thc »k»W!,V c!«vl« s i! ttnmr«'-iVi' 1 iu' \tnorU a» ! Oh, Mlu! ; tr>p <* "»c*ire<( v — «coow»*t e* . f<oit v*h&K tf s.<? thicK ; |K« fi*h sef the tj#?t. J wi jyrr saw -i ]

rhoi\> M OnmV«l v j tw ho* . I V*»cj ab>n^. i K*t "1 £AW n K«n ,v^w

: | If JOU don"t Wiilell out. ] •' ĪH'U foHt»v you ] With iK»ncil mul }jad I But— - . - j As a t «l.i reporier He's n.n so i.iad. J | Ahother needed invention is an i | inkwell for post offices that a ] J fountain pen cannot be 7Wed ] J from. | Maui Amwkilii gave ' ī u free iuau t<* p,-opi { ~ al tlic . ' "OllV:Hlt '> 1 !f!> u\vk. As 1 J wfre 6ul,v alwul -lfio wtorans pre-i J kpiū we liavi»:rt [oanh'i] who llio j otlier 1200 guesl - \vciv. \\> (lon"t | beiieve ttiere arf tluU man.v Scotch. inen ou Maui. 1939 fabīe: Onee upon a time there was a female post office patr©n who didn't rece;ve a letter she expected, and didn't say to the window clerk: ''Are you SURE there isn't anything for me?" At tho rau*"*rolh'i vkatiiiji is, l»v--|'"l»<ilarizod lien. tlioro ?tnon won'i he r""in .>ti stm>ls f"t- tho bussos. t bull-etin

TfftANA, Albania (UP)—Fascist For«tgn Minister Count Ciar»o arnved in this forme.r Albanian capita! today to receive a hearty weleome from loeal authorities. He to!d a cheerjng crowd of 10,000 Albanians that Premier Benito Mussolini soon wil! visit the eountry. Tho 10.<X>0 "oiscerinj;" AU»aui;ius 1 i4robabiy hād ĪOuiKK) lialiau n t >ls poiiHoa ut t\ieir 40 MONOOL PLANEB DROWNED.—New&paper headitne. We didn't know there that mueh watcr in Menaolia, TO HKAU NAZI SriUK»L \tTl ViTiKS,- H* i adin>: in Hoiiolu- \ io 5 Tha< s#Pi«s uutWeossarv, vrlu i u * s<l mwh Naxi pr.uwandn »s beiug J sonuvr«»,l all ovor the worid. j - i THREI FEA R E D LOST ; WHEN CRAFT SINKS. — News- J |«l»r headline. That*s what usua'!y happens to people when a craft «inks, ' TRAFFIC NOTE { WWo <>ur i»struoiioii lux«k ' Aml ttm ll# WvWIn Sl * v ' ! ' 110 Wft,v b ( v lKH>k uy , rxx>W To a ēar that*s NkīūiHni. ! FASHJON NOTC ! th« latost m„% iR ' ,f Wcmen." . ' } HOW COME Tho agw»t ii 500 «,iuU> s «u,i » is s car, jou !un U *h4 »trjvo it aivuiui ii.o Ulo. k ii\ « »*<\! ,ar. '*** •*** piek mt\ th* thrifty ; PM»PĪ« j« th, t t4«iK, wa»b vAI'« 3 ( i " 1«? t\WM UHK\n 3

j (»«' S«H \>U.I !'VftS ( ;iit iV5»s:. i» *> II.: N-. '• «• «;nani «•. ; *.< n.i. v.«r„j' }..•> Wiīi.uku. *tsty> W'.« ii#;. l<t> Ms,ior JMrs N. IN*Wf.s\ 1 |J*M >««ir xt*>« ?>••.«' J «piu \Vftt»; «sit