Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 51, 17 April 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

WiU' wtoviiiis eh'uiiel ofY ilieii- i _ iot ■«o Uiey i-an build ;i rliil>ln>use hn i il. Aml true lo tnulilH>ii ihey \vent j lnwoihl tlieir olvjortive aml we un- j _ilerstaml cleaned up !he shrublier.v | <in oiu* i>r t\vo aO.ioining !h|s. Tlie ! utily )iroU'si lu'sir<l s.> far is frotu ; ilre lady who is'the ne:irest neigh | !iiiv, Slic's «rood aiul m;nl' !>Pcause ihe hoys eut tlown the trees iu j l'riīKt of hei- bat:hi'ooni, i ■ Tribe of Libyan natives live on | a 4 diet of worms. We suppose ' when they get hungry they just ; "go out in the garden and eat ,worms." Wamla W;ifTleiron. ilie Waiakea ,eirl. started 011 a irip 10 iho vo| ( -ano the othe.r day. hm she ilidn't tini*h it. When she p>t to .Mounuiin Vie\v slie sa\v a si-n on liie roats. "ī>snij.'erous Men At W<>rk.". st> >he nimeA aroinK! aiitl eanie haek. The question is: Do we give FDR a third terms or Dewey not? DESERT POME NO. 69 Aione 011 tiie Wu!ks I>onald MeSvv«tl : They suld iie'd roaeli Kona . And tliat's WhHt MK t!iought. Theme song of the Mauretania'B crew: "We Don't Know Where We're Going But We're On Our Way." This is ĪJhrary Week, when evei«yli<Hly īss sup]n>se<l to i'enu'u al! th«» books they forjret to lake luiek. SOURPUSS SAM SAVS:

"Being in society has its disadvantages after all. Jt costs a lot to

keet up appcarances and make folks think you are enjoying it." 1T HAPPEMEO AT KOHALA <Contributeil by rhe Mj-?tery Poet) An inrideni hapi>ene<l the other «hiy, Of Vhich I §roive to t«Ā, A iiiule i'.Hik su k aiul i>rtssed ;i\vayWhiih eaused un awfut o» Mr. \Ve.n er leH thē hlaiae i)f Uii,- s;m! .raged\, Aih! folbs. iii<lijrnanr, oaUesi out "ShaiueSu»'h injusiiee -m«st not l>e!" H vras tier ldert that Ihe law l'i«hoia the "l*ro aml C\m": Simui lepal heads hesan to taik Ainl thei» !Ih> ease was on. The jtnijre «>Vr ihe > onrl, atui (h"gnitie<i, \Vith Hijvnsi< >kil! aiul qukk retort, (ioil lielp the maa who lied. «;eorpe Tu:lock o»Vereū to defend The <anse 10 ihe lasl OUiii. Uut the <asc w;;s ncariy at the en<! 'Wiien snaj<|HHl <u; his swiuh. \ „ ht. Au<i t«>r«v<i me uuVc>' t« !:roau. I her*> s <<ta' i iu sure \vtH heip us out. H«k k\ . : ihe phow." ' S;uii Woo«ls ihen >rave faets ; He sai«l h<- inu<; relate. THe mule, he xai«J. ]ia<l t!»>t ivai<t iax | AU»I iis ;»se w;vs si\iy eiiihi. Ttie insuraii, e. Mr. AuMin #itUl W«s tw«Mi!v >tue yeai's lifo„ HeM ui.iih j..,\ ,is the mule was «lead. : liui \\l.n \v«s Jegal j ?!iv Mha '1 now ohject, 1« defense «>f ui,v eareer i jrn«v» reasin>!i 10 Thls iiiuii' l.a<l |\\orrhea.' r»«H'k Trea<l\vfn ;Uis\\ere«l. "J'm lt«> . H«t wontter of ereA(ion, WI«J- %N»uUi .SavtHi tlMt mule Wns a t , aesan.ui «HWraUo(i." Mr, SniltU ilwn u>!<i iu avv\>!us lou<i lS> j\rt>ve 4efen<lani r'csu. How he hsd aiii.le the eotton «hro«4 Aml wHh ihe <*on>*e .-ūl '

"Vou defendant liave done very well,*' Thus spoke the .sudge to liini, "So I'll a\vard you the shield of an office Bell Whieh lias $:ro\vn a trilVe diin. With ;rood deeds it will doubtless ! sliine | o» you for evernmre. The eoUi'l will now siu-j Auld I„inj; ! Svne I 1 And :vd.ionrn t<> the old dnij; I stove. I ____ i BULL-ETIN

j "tt's not the money part l'm i interested in, it's the principle of { the thing." i I i.ite's l>arkesi Momeul: Wheu I you>e OLi your vvay u> the uialnland I«tut lou.ru Uuvt Uve v<»U-tmo S» eiupiion. w-ouhUi'i ii uiake you jsore? 1 1940 simile: About as mueh j ehanee as any sma!l European ! I country has these days. I l I j 'l'lie Genaans capiure<l Narvik, I j Norway in 15 . nnnutes, ae- ; <-oi'diug to repon. That's lo s unike the aneieni Yikinps turn | over 111 their frraves. l . ,

..S an d y WcPherson j says his only regr«t is ! that h»s youth is spent. j Weil, it's afaout the oniy ! thing he ever did spend. ;

i,- - • | j Mad;un Pele have hearti the ! i anuy is planninp a hlaekout on this | } islaud. St» there will be uo hlaek- I j out, if she » ;fu prevent it That\s; jgetiing eveu wilh ihe ariny for i j <iroj»4ii«g i»«uubs oii her a few £ears l«go. ' j Correct this sentence; "l'm : wofking my way throuflh college," | 1 Wiih Mauna Loa ui erupuon! ; suul «he \var iuoving so fast. it"s | ī^oin.ii u» inuke the front |);tges Look i aiive again, , Mairtiand newspapers ean npw j publīsh . stories about how the i peopie of Hawaii are "fleetnfl J , from the volcano." j t\Hifu«-ius ha< almuiy sai«l un> ] I niuoh. j ' APHII. SHIIWKKS (Oh. i'Mli). j