Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 51, 17 April 1940 — To Cooperate In Proposed Blackout [ARTICLE]

To Cooperate In Proposed Blackout

In eomplianee wlth a fmm (3overnor PoinilPXW, the eount.v hoarfl of Mipervlsors .i«tlrc»sl « if»tter to> hlm on We(lnosday, sij?nlfying their \villin.2;neps to Apj j«tiiit ii speeial coiuniittee to asslst lin the proposed Hiii Īsland hlaekout wliieh is «liedul<?d for next month. Aftev conferrinsr with Major S. C. HiHon. eouimamiei- of Kilauea Militar\- « auip, aiul r,ordoii H. S<*ru- ■ t<m. executive secretar\ of the Hilo ehamber of cōiunierco. fhe < hnirman will naiue ihe <-ommittee.