Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 51, 17 April 1940 — Kamehameha Lodge Carnival Planned [ARTICLE]

Kamehameha Lodge Carnival Planned

I Ai a <«T Mamlloa Cliaptt i r of ilie i)rUci oi: lvai»H'UanK i sia | »m sunriay aftvntt>un, armngcin&ntf! »ere «■inupleleil l"»r ilif lUket salt? in n.nuiwliou wiih I'ei'iuuHk I '/; earuiv'ul wUU*h is i« he lieUl hy tl«? lo<lge fr»>ni June 27 i<> Juli S. j William 11. i» ihainimu «>f i ) Uk 1 rari!ival euuiiinuoe this yeur i | iuul will L>e assii?U'ii l.jy lh'ury Na- j | laielua, t»residein uf the lodge, 1 I Judye Thuuias N. ilaa»s wito w.ill! | rejjrejsent the Kuu;i ūUm'.i, lithvīti l LHi<l«i.v. ihe K<»haia «iistrK*t aiul i Saiuuei Luj«u>, iitr N<*nh Hilo iliiei. lleuUs of oihei - vouuuilt«es will he }ipi>oinieil shorl!y. j A i SuiKia>*'H iuee(iu& Harry K. j l»rowii, viee ehainnaii of ihe carnival wnaniiiee, lo'ul »>i ihe })urpose of ihe cantival, wlūeh lte exijlaitie<l l waa to i*aise moiiey for ihe buHdUig £uu<l. The mnv ciubhouse l!mt was built a eouple of years ago ueeds to be eularjīed, sin<-e several | other organixaiiou.s are usitig it to j h<»i<l their iueeUnj;s in, tUt*ui i the KnaUukuauu s<H iely, llale O Na j Alii, Kuhio lnu>roveniont clul>, ii No. 5 Na»ive foiis m»«1 , i. oiiiK ii Nc. U N.tiive i >aug'itler!N j Ti<-ket sales for the <;iruival will he in eharj:e of William H. Beers, ''Harry K. Rrowi). Edwiu >!. I>es3ia. 1 Wīiluun G. Aiona iuul H<?tiry Na- ! laielua. i Mi'. Ferniin>V: is now on the i Mainhuul jū<-kiiii: uji tronpes for i this e^rnival.