Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 1, 1 May 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

AlU«?s ;utd (lt»L'iu;uis ai*e doiay: .-viui*' ii'U iijiluiu.i;- iii'ouiul lk'1!. lt iit:iy lif in Norway tnir ir is Hell jV|sl llit' s;Ulie.i Hitler has made a !ot of pl.ans but Churchill seems to have changed most of them for him. DESERT POME NO. 70 (hi the vast <iesert ]'lai»> l'hal ur<> kiiowii ;is K;fU, \Vtv s;iw rr.ur liit«-ii iiikiTs Wlhmi tlunv weie V.ut |\vu, Bet. the Danes are g!ad now they sotd the Virgin istands to the United Stcites. Aineneaii se.Jnuoc wa«ts l• >: pay lieninark S4u.<XH\tW f<»r (:roeJi];iml. iiniieaiin.u iliai llie iirire of foreisn rva) estate iia* sitice oiil inan So\v:tr'l lir»ujiiit Alasl<a for lHM'.ooo. Aiui iliei-e ain'i no £oltl in "!lieni tliar sno\vilrifts." BACKING UP THE SCOTCH

Sandy says it's rea!ty grand to see how weil the English are backing up the Scotchmer\ in this war. .

A hlai-kom for Man!? Wo re§-}»«M-ii'uliy «inhmit tha( Maui .!<«'s her own hhiekom — <>\cry nii;ht ;tt S 'i\!ock,—Muui Nf\vs. Aihl Uh' niglit \v,:ic!imai! nt Waiiuku 'ha*' difflcuH.v in <j<nti«s to s|»vp l»et'anse tho t«i\vn is so <iuit>t afier thai hour. After findina out how va!uable Alaska is, the Russia»is must feel Aike the o!d timer who mad« a bad horse trade, POLITICAL NOTES It īs tvj><irte<l Tlv« Prefci\tent laughed "Wlu'n t<iki <«iii«»nent Wuuld f.i> Mr. Taff. rc\iun mmeone- niei)tioHed A felli»w iiaaied IVwī\v. Tbey say he ju>r >iiti)e<] Ati<i ;uis\v<'!'<><i. "Aw, }i!i<xh\v !" Wlhmi of a l'aul V. Mo\utt. rh' j u.st su»iioi(| agaiu An«l a«s\vcr«l. "Ttit, ttif" 1940 simile: As impressive as the 65-year-old whoopee bey at a Saturday rtight party. lieniiin' M.ivt';t.l<K-n has ;tnn«»unc <»«i itt liis I.t!n't'ty MapiKine that h»> wiil he n <ainiiiinio f<»r seuator fri<ni l'loiiiia. lf t'"<e< to(l. hih\l»o ho <>,tn put tlso wlo'U' < <>uiik,v oti a st<>a! i'u!iutv «lioi. 11«' has «!oiu> l»rotty woil <m ;t <lk't of s<juirrol f«H«l l<intself. . havhi£ j»asso<l his ~(Hh niliostono ;tnd i.s likoly lo i..» <!vor tho t-omury tuark on thfit kiad of ūi*t. Despite the btockade, Germany for the pr«sent at least has ail the oit she needs, includttig the weH known brand catled bmm&> FI»U TO 'I'AI.K Tt» IM:Mt» t'R\TS V<u\ s|t,t[>i<r li<'a<iUtt<-. Wo , ho\v«'\<'t'. tltal it .miiihi I>«* !»«>tH v r f«»r !tim t«> iwlk t<< li»o H»»ituhli< ans, FURTHER TO 00

StreanvH«e* 4 th« office i •Mmoa, says sh« doesr>.*t 'īke the , new arr4ngement of mai} boxes j at the Hi!o pott office. She h«» t» wa!k at least 20 feet farther now to get her m«U. i. r i V* *U T«» MAKK AKo\ \o IIII: r«>t \rin. ht s ;uUiui\ ; Ml» \ *»r« Wwi. ■.'! >i lf hr i> lh;<i «»r MUM' .0 oa*v llOiU" UUu.


"Maybe a cocktail tastes better to some peopie when served in a

new plaee with a c!assy name, but there is no difference in the effect." LIMMER-LICK There \vas a younjr nian of Kau "Wlio stopi>erl a't ("honj;'s plaee to eat ste\v, Where the ste\v \vas so good Me ate all lie eou!(J— Aml i»is lnst bnlf ilollnr he l«lew. From Norway comes reports that Hitler's troops are ftghtinfl in Hell. Chamberlain made the mistake of not tel!ing Der Feuhrer to go there in the first plaee. I.ec:on(]ary: Onee upou a timp ilii'i'e was a :iewspaper editor wlio hpeanie a sueeessful 'buslne.«s inan. | From all indications, swing music thinks itse!f too young to die. THE FEMALE OF THE SPECIES IS, ETC, HUiop, af.tw t'«tuiīttjī ser«ral king,s ofl' llieii' tlu-ones aml chasiug some i>residents out of tlieir o%vn eountry, should note tliat Holland is ruletl l>y a woinan i>efore he uiakes up his luiml to move īnto i)un country. BULL-ET»N

"Whenever the fleet is »n, i aiways i«vite a bunch of sailors to my heme." Wuiklh Wuffloirou, tlio Waiak";t j;lum«ir girl, has a \vlk< is :t < ix>\ offivo sons«tloa in lIo!ly\voix1, Stto solls ii«'kots in u movio houso. According to new« reports, Hungary is in danger of a Oerman invasion. When the Germans get hun®ry enough lt wili be hard ī to k«ep the Hun out of Hungary. j SOMEWHAT DISAPPOJNT!NG

Ono «»f tho <lis;t«l--v:uitagos <»f haviug Iho ililo tir«» «loj>sirtmont in īts now k>' ! « aiion on Kinoolo 1 >im'i ls that tho Im>.\s dt>n't soo as | many protty jrirls passiitjr hy as they j <ii<i when it \vas loj«'«»«'«! «»n Waianuo- ! hue stroot.

I. . ' j <»f oar mitk*rs iho 1 arv so iv\v Skvtohmo» th«? nudi>t c<>k>liies is ihnl i i hi\v UmH wniH H> tlioir | ri«thes &wav. | _ j ehampion liar of this pre- [ sent day and age ls old man War- | rtn Ooxe. <»ne l»Hlf <»f tīw %vorl(Ps populA | ""i» u<n\ l)v!ivs umter somo f.»rm j of divtator>lnjK s;v,vs Kihiiuml t^ v i ] rt«'s Masl\ Muimiim*. i «u.i \v«>'U IhM tt> tho niur■•, r 1 1 alt J Tr> Wme of our Dutch Olean | * er . **id Quetn Wtlhelmina «« . «he open*d N®t!and - $ d>kes and ' twr«HKt th« wiUr <m the (nv«d<ng , German*. | 'M» ik'mwn i N 1 WHHI U» x)X fiiot t\A«. .Uu! ll.il ' *««<t <au t»p » «Wwh of w\t»« i SO WHAT?