Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 1, 1 May 1940 — National Swim Stars Invited [ARTICLE]

National Swim Stars Invited

IU»NOLUH' —l*aui Herron, fornieriy of Stanford rniversit,v, eon*Mered o«e of the lea<3ing miOille disiaaoe sviaitt«jr« iu llie couiiiry aad A<lolph KJefer, l>avkstn>ke aee, uili i>e īuvited to iMMlie&aie in the AAL' luih>or swiiumißg ehampiouKliii) nieei Jui,v 10 au<J 32, Jimm.v j Hui'U. rliairu>;ui ()f !iIC Juiiiti' Cb«tttl>er of Cuuuiier<T> hwimuiim; MMuuiittei>, whi<-h wiii Ui% eou»i»etltioiv. aiaiounml carlj, iiti> wwk. A <defibU« <leeii>ion to itivite tEe" t\vo swiiumers \vas roa*.kyu bj, lUe l»oar<i of <lireetors of Uie JCC. llurd said that tlie *Uito of tlie swiisifost luis Ueen vliangetl tliat students returning frtnu Mainlaml <-oll**ges for il»e suiumer couid partirit«tte in it. The iueet wtts origituUīv «OauMl for June. "lio.V VītoUsefc of Kla)»ft)ni an«l 15111 l*iir.v of f«nieH will iuost likei,v Ih l iiouie lo in Uie lueoi," IlurU «<nid, "1 uiso beea tol<l ihai «everal k«su»ra o<illege »wiut«ii«g st«rs tttv phMmlU£ «n to llawuii for a va.vHtīoii ia the suimuer. un<i tiiey, too, wiU be ed to \ie ior lioguttV llerron &wiuis tho 100, uad 140 frvestile. lle wiU be s.Ucked vtl» usuhtM Takasiii lliroto of Muai in ihe 100 ui.U KL.\oj4iī Nai kaiua uf Miiui an«i J.ni*os 'l'uuaka uiul OU'W lii\ of lloKuuuiu iu ljie DtH) aud 410. He i>. at j»m,vut i«H;r,fd at Li«ii£ lleaeh. Herr»>» holifc a victor,v over Nafcma. Ue be;u Uie Isiand wrer;U ye:srs ag-i> whon a looul team was sent to California io sliow !r> a sprtcs of iiieets. Kiefer is the gmisesl l>a.ksiroke •swtn»tter t»v tV w«»rld. Ho holds *wry iv<s>r<l in tlils i<t>!e of swiuimhu: i« the t*ooks. lle wai Hnīte<l to ??how here in in ;he l>uke t«eet; b«t th<> tnvi?ation was rev-atl ed wh«i th"e īie«*ohoouil> ws* l!«t *Hvi«lod tiot to $ta£o » ! !«»ts yeaT, ! Kiefer i? aW' £aNMUio«t lu ttte | *ftwsl,\le vV>ni|Hnos 1« \W 100! *ml 22iY \vars a£v j ! ftvued IWl\>A v t>j etghw>eti iiKtas Ui: H', tho ai louls 1 ' vW«v I !V!e- lV\\,,vo;. \\;:i lv ' 1 «r wjrMim Klefvr hi tlve WAMiwke, l>vtfwa, ] ' *t Itns lu ! ih«t the W, ( wl!1 W t«\Ue4 to e*Stt|>ete of aieei*. !