Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 1, 1 May 1940 — White Star Laundry To Enlarge Plant [ARTICLE]

White Star Laundry To Enlarge Plant

f Fift,v Uiuusaud dollurs v\ill bfi loitd^Rāt€'i.v" l °l».v tfie White i»tar Laun<3ry in ap esle»«Jve ex wmiiuiu,, 4vvyrUlmt tu J>vmtnr w 1!. līUl, of th«? eompahy. !Tbe eoiupan}- lms ; put chaß«d "7SH>O 4eu o£ Uuii s on wh!ch wa,< the ?u»ust' oecupie<l | unttl a few days ago by A5 Pung i«ud his iHUiili. l tii« kou*e be- ] itig iju!Led uu\vu a|iU ik%. I ext«»s4on on the lot. r Uie aew unit wlll eoulain tlie drj |«bMU9tlitg desartiQet]tt, «-hieli, wliea , he Uie iii | T*»rHtory. Sen. HHI dec*lare)s. It w!U |*»so eontaio the rug t-leaniag aiid Oti4«u-i4MeuU r wlu<.ii wiii l>e j !in »f Tliirry 01>«on, who ha» |b*en with the finn r«r īnonp lUan a • I Ariditional si»ower and lollei taci- ; IHH»> for tlu> 75 «r iiu»re euiploje« t trlti W hotlt an«f loadtßg p!at- | torin wlli be enlarged to aeeonuuoi Uau Uie < k oim>an l i'fc (teii\er,j »trupf. I Th#>iv wH! be a iw>-foot parkfng «paee for the exdusive use vl <jpw»s wlio eali for &ad take <Seiivery of th«|lr ow» fiaīaj&dr.y, V. li, Harrt4. m&iag*>r, ls now in i l Innoiuhi "n busiiies.s m <«onnoctlon | with tbe expanslon program.