Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 2, 8 May 1940 — Matson Excursion To Tahita In July [ARTICLE]

Matson Excursion To Tahita In July

Tl»e Matsoo Xavigation Co. will i i run un exours?ou to Tulūti iu Juli, | j «iiU'U sevt*ral Is]jind people are j t«> take of, ac<x>rding lo !?tanley WiUiams, of C. Brewer & C»>., loval Mat>sou iigeots. The exeursion will start from Fmuhīsc«>. The Murii>osa uili sail froin iUere on Juij 23 aud Jul.v 24. Sho wili «r--i'iu' ,-h Honolulu Jul.v 25) utid suil inmi Uiei'e tiu- sume Uay, arriviu£ iii inhiU on Au«. 3 where Ute exiWiuuNlKUi will dise»ntHrk for a tl)re*.' dni visit. Mie muiii irii> will be ou tlio Monteiey, leaving Taliiti Ang. 5 anii arn\ ing l>uek in liono'ulu i>n Aug. 10. Some 150 people iuade re#ervaUons in llonolulu the daj' the esrursion \v;is first atmoUtived. The īniniinuni ftu* from llouolu!u f«>r ihe trij» i» $250 flrst class s»n.l $175 r:d>in dass. ī Anioim tl\e .*everal Hllo i»eople j wlio have xaade reservatious are John Amida auā Joseph Stm.