Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 3, 15 May 1940 — Jonah Kumalae Of Honolulu Passes [ARTICLE]

Jonah Kumalae Of Honolulu Passes

J«.iiali 05, lunutr. lU} . ae»£j>m>er | find ukulele dkd iu uleei» Mwnday ūlghi at ilo , honio after an ilh&p»* of ab-j oīit three " ' i I!e was a veterac a»d. a foriuer i«eiub«»r uf t>nard ōf ia% for, nmyor of hat. was ( <lefeeted. j Mr. Kumalae was born in Hoiiolalu. Oct. 13, 1874, t and Tsas educate3 at Makapela school, tbe Kohaia ltoyal school and Cathulic lasUtii-, t!ons. He t auglit school for a auuu tw*r <rf years at Koua. his H!Dess iie [ Ke A?aka!, IlawailiiU ist|*£U iiewß]iai>cr, whkh w w iy. ol ! hwfn<»ii< thre*;