Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 12, 17 July 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MiND •His Majesty the King has lieen pleaseil ro appoial Ilojal Tlighness the I>uke of Windsor to .(Jovōmor"au<i eommander in cliief of j the Bahamas Islands," l « In other words. brother Ooar. I'iu -l;ui u> send vou far enough-a\vay so you aiul your Anieritan-bOru wife v.on t be bothering me . , Califomia professional swinjmer made a new record foc speed the other day but was disqua)ified when athletic officiats found he had been using artifiicial "swiiYi fins." The poor fish. Wīlhelm Kunze, nation.il lēacter of the Geruian-Aineruan bund,"Kas protested agaiust tlie proposed legisUition of foreign controlled organizations, ou tlie yround that su(h legislation wouUl "foive the hund out of existence," How well you guessed !>' ol»joct of s'ucli legislation, big boy. HE'S SAVING PENNIES

San d y McPherson says it i«n't because of the extra penny now being extorted from smokers that he isn't buying

any cigarets since the new tax law went into effect. He said he was going to quite smoking, any- ■ how. I Oil has beeu diseovere<i in 1 Fraace, says a, news item. | And it*s not the kind that origiuutes witU the bananu, sucli as was j brought iniu the roiinto l».v IJerr | Makers of razor blades in Egypt face a shortage of iron, says a newspaper fi!!er. Well, when Egypt really gets into the war, they will be ab!e to piek up plenty of iron after the ,'j f|pst blitrkrieg. j DESERT POME NO .8t j (>nt on the desert, j All wet and aioue, j Is a pin»r, strande(i āvlxer j Twenty niiles frota a phoue. , 1940 eimiie: As elusive *as | Mussolint , s navy. j QUJTE POSSIBLE j Isn'r h (»'>ssil<le that Uttle !lsli; «ory :ihi>ut Sanji Al»e behi£ de-! talned in lh>noltiHi f<>r yuēstiatiiug hefore iie saih>d for .lapan. uitght have Hieen started l».v a polllieal * i Aecortiīnfl to news reports Mex- , iCo's presidential e!ection was j one of the quietest in many a ■ j«sar. Only about 100 persons | »«r« kilied. j «ĪAI'A NKSK 1N SHANOIIAI ASK APOLOiiY.—Xo\vlieadiiue, : Sorry, h«n s. hut we re ail out of iwactiee. ! BUL,L-ETtN S

"We wi!i Qīve th« people of ihe c©«quered n&tions iii the riahts and Ilbertie* enjoyed b> our o*m Germanic peoplee," <>» <>!' prlOt l'lli; ;?n|; u< sp:i{N^rs h*\t» hoou r*'<īiUvM.! U. Umiu h«)r th<rtr tvgu!«r sltt\ > koiiii to; lt ā h*t oa».or f.-r U;e r»sft«lorv L«e*n<t«ry; Onee upon a ttmt j there wa« a. p«tittcal can<iiiate ' w#*o sā»<l i !©t ef ntce th«Ros i *bowt hia opponenL j A PLEA FOfi USTIC£. \ Vm « ' * i < h \ va k \ t\s w tti;u > oiis>u> maUu Tt> tri «»<1 Ul;*ivi> wiinN'lWiii Mn »«« if lu» oau. H"*. rt*«s!j ouit»Arr£»«mg, J4isi*atiiUi; to tiu» uuUou, T*> (lien- ■> muii«> \ hm*i lfi#

Li regards to yopulatiou. i Our poiiulatioii tigures, Wiiiih bet'ore were r.hirty grand, llave sinre beeu aluiost cut in half— Wliu-li liuna to beat īhe band. We waui people iliiukiug ThaL our u»(al lia-s ilropped down Ainl that our Lhriviug city Is roduced to a ghost to\vu. We \vnnt the inuiiiianii. i'olks to. kixovf We're veo mueu alive j Aud ihui lor % \ears to eouie j Wo waut to grovv aud Lhrive. Wu dou't wunt people thiuKiug i Tliis is just a ,village stnall, J Oi jußt some littie island tovvu | Wliere slnps dou't ol'ien eall. | "l-'aii' Ceusuii'' is our s!ogan Aud \vo're goin to push it tlirough, \vh.v we're seudiug Bowiuan To see wliae lie eau do. lle's iaking \vith hiui evidenee, Aiui ;ill the laiest dope, To have tliose ceusus figures l'ni riglu again—we liope. ' KEEPING DRY j i

Litt!e Streamlines, the front office stooge, and her Qirl friend, was ail set to try out her new bathing suīt at Coconut Tsland this week but it rained so hard she wou!dn't run the risk of getting it all wtet. &ut she's going ■ to try it again, the first fine day. LATEST WAR JOKE Tiie i-olonei of a eertaiu Scottish regimmi in Frauee was uiust curliiaili" detesied by liis oiea. Ou a «iUiie receut occasion, lie Stwod laikiui; wiiii two of his eouiiuaudeis, a buiiet suddeuii" buried itseli iu liie iieueli wali bi Ms liead. He iuaāe uo slgti, for he was a very brave ma», and eoutiuued as noihiug huā occurre<L a īuoiueui ialei', a i»ecpad swacked alougside» aiiuost clijppiu£ Uis eav, he i~euiarked laeouiealiy, "Seud one of your iueu out for thut j*uii>ei'» wili you?" The offiet 4 r addressed saluted aud dejiaried to liis coiui>au,v, wheie, eiī piaiuiag uie iH»siilou, lie calied lor . u Vi4uuteer. ! Froiu aiuoug those wlio offered lie j s«b,-i<--d a i»u\vu.v litghiauder, who ( lost uo tiiuo iu ssettiug off. Soiue : tiuie kuer Uie uiau dropiKHi bacb iuui the imieh, iviHvrtiug to hia C. i'O.. and then. witho«t anothor word, [ t»ejran «-leaft!ug his hayonet j "Did ye get hlm, .TorkV" inquired | a pal. ■ ■■ i "Ay»\" said Jock sliortl,v. "I>id ye no" sho\v liiui oQj' nien-y' asked tlic oihei, witli au tu\o\i><\tēd wave oi teuder-heart«d* n< ss. \\lerojr' suorted Jock, willi a S4ivage glo\ver; "Mercy? There\s n,»e niercy this side o' ilcaveu for a — th«t ttisses Oor cur-r-uel SOURPUSS SAM SAVS:

"ft's getting to be a state joke about E<l<iie F(rnjndei always

h'-inalna the rain with hīm, but U does $eem rather remarkable that the dav after he ieft the tun be--1 9*w •*»»#*!nft enee more in aU īts s < bHHia«ey.*' « Aooorri(ll£ h> UiO saU»i« t > ;uv j>o thivk iii *!**» Adfia( ic . S t ;,, fu.U llu-rO i.-.i'i i\KUil for ilio ! a»i>. | Waffie<ron, the b«U« of j WaiaMa, uyt «he ha« v h«ar4 •« } mueh lateiy about cabinets f*l9I *«HI tk«t «ht MttAderc why they do«*t trjf i«m» other meane of Pf®*6©ti«g the f*mily ehtntw*rt. \\ ?KV i".