Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 24, 9 October 1940 — 500 Volunteer Workers Needed To Handle Register [ARTICLE]

500 Volunteer Workers Needed To Handle Register

500 ,volttytg<^ -WjyM M i<£uhr filectl*jli bwr<3 x>t;rßMftuei ol TKxermorj' in registratlou for selective service wbich will take plaee October 26, Hajor Charlea IL Welsh, ariuy officer paratloas ft;r iu Hāwaii, saj's. Time of registration in Ilawaii s«as rre4deiaL <?evelt for Oct. 26, from 7 a.m. untii y j>.iu. 50,Q00_ wules betwg£ft ifee nges of 21 and R5, now resldent iu ttieljerritory, «'IU ltave to re"glstēr \inder ten«g of llie avt. -*rt*oHve servl<»e ofHc!alg safd ' tfte#e are now iu>iiroslmaTety on fhe eTertlon l>oar&8 olf Tētrltory and !luit anoY!ier B<S) Toliwteer worfeors prot»ahly wlll be we«!e<l for the one «lay of reslstratlwi.

Th(?w» voltinteers wlll have lo bej hot qtiallf!e<l for selectlve] and nHiPt alile U> read,| Wftte «tj<J speak good Ēaglīsfe anŌ, hnre n dear un<lerstana!ng of wkatl theiT dnt!es ai-e, * 1 <sovernor Poludeiter m<Jioed| Was3tlnjrton Wednesday, «11 detalls on registmtiou and appliWiHon of selective t=ervīce Sn the Terrltory". He informatlon re{jnnilng forin.s and costs entaile<l ln the pri»nhig of theiii, «nd other vUal to iiipUektton of <?el<M*tive $ervice in the Tstanās.

t*pon <>ffs< ial word īrom Pp«s!dent Roosevelt on the fixSng of tlie HawaiiHn reglstratton āay, fowmor wtn ppoelaim Oetober 38 &8 ttie dftt« for anJ \rtt! dpslpnHto i>l;u-o$ wher*' Ii wlll h© īnj«trncHons w!U go Mlt t» c<m»ty ln counwllyn wtth w*sria*r«tto« AU rlt)e«nt> Atid iuaU»s wlio have feficlHHi theīr 21st but not i their 36th birthdays must register j on Octol>er 26. I After registration, >iuestiomiain:s I wili he maileii the registrants whieli j tbev wil! l»e reqtāreil to oat and ! reiurn to their loeal lnmrds. It wlll! j he on Uie basis of o»ese aueMioaj nHires*thsn the clHssiß<.-atsou of Uie j reītisirants wlli l>e deci«Jed. t MaJ. Welsh «mphas!sod llaat no i tlme f«r the flrst i*all of sel<HtsTv; S s*rvlce luon for active duty ha* ,\ot' becn set for Hawali. J?eiiUer has| there been an„v anfto«nwns»>nt as to nuniher to he traine*l j R<*istratUm wlli iuciu<ie maies of the d*sigtiate<3 atre uow rositiinp in the Territory. Thei are etaas*ti as nalional». liswH!i resi<Jent« vHiUns on thc Sff«iul«iit! nt the ttaw of rvsīstratioti l»ro u> at ti>e iHNttvst rejSls |tr«ti«a piaee, glvh>s their I>)auJ {«ddr<v«»s -m<l thetr o«r*ls wil', W | forwHPikū ao il&w&īi, Miū. Waish ! snm. ivrs*>ns visitiug 'm ihe ls|i*iiOs wiU r«eister hene ;«id lhcir 'c;ir?S ,! fccw:so ;>o for\v.i!\ioii i, i Uie jtroi>or ioeai iH>ara imi the iliiuMaml ! !Vrs*>ns on at scst on tv£īstration dn,y niusl re£tstet wkhin Pn» <lays aftor Mun\;Hj; to Uie Tvr ritory. Kott-cotM|»iian<<« wiih re&i>ir«ttiou is wv?ro*i In tV e? the sp!cctīvo servitv aet wliieh prv>vidos a i>risoit tenu *' īrno for tir?ift o\Ai-KUi AS to OVAtiO tho !the t :irv to W V.;\tuV(sx? V\ tho Mw-n; %<f imvstis:a;l.n. ;r. OR *!s ; I „■ , ~ —