Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 24, 9 October 1940 — HSPA Cooperating In Study Of Soil In Hamakua Coast [ARTICLE]

HSPA Cooperating In Study Of Soil In Hamakua Coast

Mflny of the s<>lls of tlie Hllo and ] eoa£ts ;irc aj>prom'liing, ts»«r the©T<etleal njaxl!ijuiß ad*fitjv «ays A. S. \yres, assistant cbemlsst at the University of Hawaii agrleul-' tnral esperlrtient " The sof! studies are I>tflit£ ca r-' tiSff oa by tlie sta!tl«n in cwpera-' ti«B vrith tbe īW-aiian i?ugar Pl«iter'B Assoclatlon. ~ : Hfgh rainfāll !s one of tKe ciiief ieauses of acid solie, he points oat, t>Trt fortnnately sugar c*ar.e ai>pears tOler«te a<?t<ī eosl eondi'tl6«s, **What we are !frylng to <leīerlalne," say.? Mr. Ajlers, "is how ad3 th<? HHIB of the hlgh ra!nf«11" eane <k»lfl* »re #tsd whether, ]f lhey are *tl<wred to heeoaoe more it<•!<!, llieū T*t"*Hl«ctlve power l»e ttiiitalrw.l jor tlw» eeotsoinlr« of jir<Hl«eirig «iu*mr c«ne wfll b? <lff=turbed" - The «tudle« at th« experliaent «*tHtion will atteuivt ti« detenulne wiiat h«ppen« to i»iant fwd adt!e<? «aeh anJ will atteuipt tc *h>termi«e !f extremvly ar!J soH:i«l» fetatn fertlT!tet>- wt«ll .-an | alkaUne or neulral soll? I Fertl?p sons !ri m«nv rie> ♦ !*eet>nie ha rrt>n frnm I<>ss oJ oramt fr»o<!s h«t sd**nttst* no longer 4*freft the ?nevltall>llity of thls dethe t*i!>lTerslty chemisi ; |«as*s. Tt !« helievet3 that througli thoron«t» knowlMge of tlie soils ' *n<t ot ttve nroce«?eis oecurrins ♦ thereln it wlll be posslhle to pre|«erve «ttbe laads to Hawaii before ; fn«» soil hecomes eThao>te^L