Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 27, 30 October 1940 — "PEOPLE'S FORUM" [ARTICLE]


IS PEJS"CE A PROSECl TOH OK A PEKSECLTOK? ui Mr. Penee'e meetiiigs before the Prinmr>'J£leche stated that "he is a prosecutor and not a persecAoi,** fet the Hoka O Hawaii (Hawaii Star), a Hawaiian Of October 3rd 'Mr. Peneē stated, "I love these people (Hawaiiana) and t know tliej liave the focdest Aloha for me.' f Xhe foUowiog letter, whieh appeared w tne Sentiael of October 3,1940, will show to th,e Ypters and the publk of the Gounty of Hawaii, u whether Mr. Penee is a prosecutor or a persecutor?" and "\vhether he really loves the Hawaiian people?" &lr, Pence's actions does ml agi*ee wilh his statement&. FROM HILO COLNTY JAlL Htlo, Hawali* 1 3 1140. J Bflo Couajt>' iail.

EDITQIi, IIAWAli SENTJlNEL; WiU you please publish the following ]eU«r in your "Peo|rfe's Forum"? To My Frietids and Voters . of the Island of Ilawaii Alolia; 1 believ«i mdst of you have read ia our loeal papers abvut my being sentenced to sers e four monlh» Iii the IIEo Judge Gonsa1es of Laupahoehoe for being present at h g$mbling game. I have never been arre£ted for gatn.blliig oaee in my Iife and still 1 have been d|serimiixated just to j?Iease our County Aitorne\ , Mr. Manin Penee. I have a wife and five chtldren a?|d as am seryl§g time, I have been \\Qxr$mg as to the s£pport oī my famny, With all the raids'that have taken plaee on Mamo Sw did ,you ever hear of anyone being s€nteaced to jall ? Did Mx. ever tried to find out *ho is really' ihe operator ol ihese games? Didvhe ever go into ilie trouble and fmd mi whether or not the names of these operators Iisted on the poliee records wcre the true names of Ihe operatoriT Ku, because he knov*s darn \\ is tUe J}ehind Uiis racket, You uote on thc uic!o*ed dippinss t*om the Hilo Tribune Uerald that the.se iadis Vi ere ctfadgct«d from Ume to time St, and en the jsaa.e proaiāti aud the opeiatois paid $25.00 b$il eaeh iime and ihe customers baii eaeh, but none of them have ever been ser\ ed with a Bench Warrant and sent to jail. Bid Mr, Penee evtr trī«d to c!ose the doors of this houie aiter it has been iaided tūne aftex llme? ln my case I forfeited |10.00 baii thinking Uiat this will satisfy our County Attorney» Mr. Penee, siuct- the rest of the 11 mea that were arrested with me onU' paid e&eh. Oul of the 11 men that were arrested S Filipiuos forfti;ei eaeh aA3 B of us were sentenced to jaīl. Mi. IL B. of Honokaa» 4 months in iaH; James Loh, Jr v 3 *ud , Wie aik j ou* k tius justie<.! i was advised by Sherill Lmdsey uf Laupahoeiic>e aud 8heritT Heary K. Martin that Uaii saiLsfaetor^ with Mr. HartiQ Pence 4< and SherifT Martis. .lola i&e; that he was $ufte sure that Mr. Tyūee v> 21 see iha; a warrant wfll be served me if I M not forfeit Uie b&il ei 1 ioid tke i don't &ee wlu I &hculd &£a*0 when the rest only paid |T\00 eaeh, besides I'r.; set llu oper* tor of thU £ambnixg £ame ihai I w&i uiwihea Mr, Martin1 %n<x las l>ee& veb aiueli :r;e» r.ei Wc*use I did »ron£, but for pei'i-onal ihai I am \\i£iz£ U) expose whe» the proper iime comes. IMn-in# ffty bft»ther*s trial in the !>istrict G>urt loi Ui desrree eonspīracy I was hot evea nientieued...ltv ihv. v*sc uie prosecution, l>ut afler arsusK&t Vitfc Xr. M&nia. Peaee* he o&aie direct u> the sxm& jurj uhkh iater 1 was indiciedL The gnmd jurors anl\ he*rd ose s;4e of the storv. Oar attomey< »pj>eared befoiX' Judge McL*a*L<in asking for a demur, whleh demur ilr. M&rtin Peuoe the|i» stl!l Wtij|g ( ia &c Smpmue Couru Aw w« h*ve a mm oC &k calib<r le h^l otfke When he UVcs &d\jmUgv of hi> ! 1 iūW ttevev\ lt!t c%|»B££ tiK<xa iKe Hiia TviiHtf*c oi\ ralds ;^lM i bcen coa\|yitoi £tv.:u, tLiiv w on Mamo Street, Ttk«aldxig ia 4whnu<x, ~ 1 " "" ' "" t«n$ ... . allen. -mm ~ • " 1 ' _" ■■