Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 28, 6 November 1940 — Reds Seek Free Hand In Balkans [ARTICLE]

Reds Seek Free Hand In Balkans

L O N D O S — While 2ljpsli remaiaed a passive speotator |n tbe first Balkau hositilitieB of the wai iu Italy's invasion o? Greece, Jnformation in London bas suggested tliat Moscow intends to hasten an agreeuient with Japan. Unee pi_Jax>anese pre&sure on her easteni Soviet Union would be free to eope with an Asts threat to tlie DardaneUes and v Turkey, . Meanwhile, France Is anderstoo4 to lmve granted Germany use of all Freuch U&rbors juid airports, ineliiding those of French overseas but to liave refused Nas| I deinands for surrender of" ths k'rmcii Ueet to "*Geroiaui'. i>ipiouiaiic advice« aald BuB€la uud Japau were cousiderlng a pact of posslbly flve years' duratlon. It was said the paet would not merelj contain vague no»-aggre.sslon assarances but would provide reeiprocai ueutrality iu eaee either naUoo should become involved in a new war.' R«ssia was expected to obtala fa vorable demarcation of the Outer Mongolian froutier and the Manehu-kuo-Siberian border. Whereas Russaa would recogni*e Manehukuo, J«pan would acknowledffe Sorietj predominance in Outer Mongolia ( and Msingkiang, including Russia*B ' right to malQtain a ganison in both. |