Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 37, 8 January 1941 — Naturalist Sked For National Park [ARTICLE]

Naturalist Sked For National Park

MONI>AY :—9 :30 n.m.—KIPUKA PUAULU NATURK WALK—Meet at fßiro **«rTtV X delightful eagy wnlk of 1.2 m»es 1 (round trip). "KRAKATOA" — An impressive ! sound film of tlie f;imous voleanb. ' (Free at tfee Kilauea Military Camp Theater, 7:30 P.M. on Jannary' 6 and 20.) WEDNESDAY: S:l5 a. m. — PARK TOUR — Auto caravan assemblls at Thursto'n Lava Tnbe. It incindes L&va Tube, Chain-of-Cra-ters, Haiemaumau, and "Uwekahuna ilusēum for lecture and 10:30 a.m,—LECTURE AKD MOVII£iS at Uwekahuiiii Museum, same as on Saturday. FRH>At :"8:$0 a.m.—January 3, lt, IiWM tO 1700 FOOTPRTNTS AfOf) 9aWa IKI - Start 4 mllē rōHfi3 frit> hike froni pat*kVfigf aMa' 6h ffl&tri tltghtfay !ti the Kaa desert raHl«l frotā %e Volcano Housc. a.ā.—yatinnry 10 and 24 HIKE TO PULU FACTORY, NA PAU CRATER, AND LAYA Tftt}BJS" Start 5 mile rourid tr!p hike from the fcnd of the Chain ofl Craters Rokd. ] SAtPRDAY: 8:15 a.m. — PARK TOŪR—s&tt ffPom Volcano Ho}ise. ; This short adto caravan fneTūdes . Lava *Tube, Hklemnumau, and lee- : ture aiid movies at Uwekaiiuna Mu. 9ēum. I'OKK» a.m,—tF)CTUn£ ANT> MOVlī&8 at Owekahumi Museum: a g«uertil lectare ou tbe IWk and , movieS of iWent eruptlon, i StIN , DĀ , S?: a.m. — MAŪN'A ■ LOA TRT?CK I>RAIL AUTO CARAVAf? - M«et .at fclpuka Puāulu ffiirfl Park) paTklug area. "thls 20 īnile round trip dr!ve U> tlie 6,700, ; ft>ot $ēvhtk>h reqnires uhoul 2' . ho\ir«. I (klly S:ot> ft.tn. to 9:00 a.m. to r 4;W p.m. ; WhWe& Tr!ps for parties f5 nitsrff persons may be ari nmge<l hy sut>DJitting r<«qnesYs one i ! Uay ln to thp Superiniend-