Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 38, 15 January 1941 — "USS Hawaii" May Be A Possibility [ARTICLE]

"USS Hawaii" May Be A Possibility

Possibiltty tt»ut tne ot the "six large Crulsers, a n. \v type clasBlßcation appearing for the flrst tiuie on the Navy li.-t," uader construction in the <-urrent program for the expaneton of tlie Navy, may be naiued tlie "USS Hawaii", locyued in a letter received by Joha Snell, Eexecutive Secret.ary of Oie Hawaii Equal Rights Commission, from Oapt»in Kaudall Jacobs, U,S.N,, Acting Chief of the Bure«o oī Navigation of the Navy Departmerit, The letter was iu response to a resolution adopted by the Equal ltight Couiuiission last tuonth requesting that one of the eapital ships to be constructed under the curreut expausion prograw be uamed after the Terrltory because the Islami!s have "loug heeu aeknowledged to be oue of the iuost lmportant links in the chatn of defeues of tlie United States Navy for the protection of the shores of ourf eommon' country", and beeause "such designntion would tet)d to| dispel the v?idespread nUscoacep-I tlon and iwtsnnderstarnJlng on thej mainland Ūnited States of tjje currect status of the Territory of Ha-1 tvnii, &nd would serre as a recogtii-| tion of e<iuality wlth tlve states fo| whleh the citizens of Hawaii be-J lleve they "are entitled under thej eonditions surrounding the annexa-| tion of these Is!ands and the 40-! year record of the Territory as an inte?ral part of the Fnited States"| The resolt»tion atso had thanked the uaval-authorities "for their past| recognition of the iuiportance of| !n the schetne of the naliouai uei'euiie by U»e uaiuiu£ of| the USS Honolnlu after the capi- j tal of the Territory, aud the USS] Oahu after an island of the Terri ! tory." Captain Jaeohs' ietter said iu| part; "lteceipi is acknowledged of youri ietter iu whieh you trausmitted a certitied eoi)y of a resolutiou adopted by Uie Hawaii Equai īUghts Comimtssīoii that one of the capitai ships be uameil the 'USS Hawaii.' "The natue Hawail afipears on a list of naiues whieh was subuiittedj u> the President under date of November 27, 19*0 for <s>nsideratioii i with others in the selection of nauies for slx large Cruisers, a uew! Ope elasgifieatiou appeariug for. the first linae on the Navy List| ThU Ust has uol been returued tol th« Departmeat I "Ti»e Bure«u apptvciates the iu ! terest of the H&w&H Kauai itigkt«] Comrais*ioii in this iuatter.' ' j