Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 40, 29 January 1941 — Distress Fund Nears $18,000 [ARTICLE]

Distress Fund Nears $18,000

r *The HawaUan SUapler, Coiamitlt*e to l>oft«inl Auierlcu, Jiad ret*elv«d %0M c6utrll)U(lo, W of H7HI up to December 31, 1940, for u»e in alleviatiug the dlstr«ssed couditions of life in beleaguered Eugland, accordiiig to the report of Xreasurer Edgar Barraclough today to Ciiapter Chairman Will Borthwick and U. J. RaiDa!ter, chairmau of the Chapter linanee coinmlttee, DonatiOQs up to ?īoreuiber 30 were $8,703,10, while those dut*ing DecCTiber araounted to $9,193.52, the report said. . JtUsiiiuuuices to ?te<sv Tyrk for the purcliaae of five mobile field klleheas up to the eud of tbe >ear total«d 4iU.0i3.U8, while remittanoee to for eieveu trailer auihulances were $3,583.79, or a total ol $1&&*7.77. Adi»lDistrative expenses £or &U purp<k>es totated $1,111.01 to the end of the .vear, &nd repre«etited o»iy six per« cent of the total contributionK of $17,806.62. An ad ditional «xpeuditure of $1,500 was , aleo i»ade for the purchase of u four-patient £4>ecialtf equippe< l>od«e auihulanee diMinguishec f«wu the trailer aiuhulaueee, { Since Uie flrst of the year addi j t»onal coatributions have penu!ttec i the Hawaiian Chapter to puruha« an additk>n«i tralier amhulauee al a «ost of approxunetely $350, an*. Uipee additioaal mohile field Mtch eus at approxtumtety $2,000 eadi i whieii nused tlie Hawaiian Chapt «r's to datc on "maeh S ine-'? of morcy" lo atleviate the eon i ditions of lile under inces§a»t Ger „|man bombihg iu Eugland to appro

| xiuiaUily §22,000, Mr, RaiiiaUer | iM «übuiuu>īii lUe 6aaMal liftrnulvu*l» *ai<l | UtMi «*tver«l fclSp>f I cuiiwtcU iruui Uie niue b«ak uud j ltml rt?*.Ch iug r*ililrU>u i Uoub iu Ui« CUapier Uave falleU tu I eouuiin the iuitue tiud address ot {ike uniiviuuul U<mor, aud thi*> Sack j iuts litaup<ir*iU ihe &i&yler Lu Lts 4esire a» *tcīiK)w»eOie iudiviiluallj j ea«-l» vvtutril>uiiou i"ecelTed j *' Couse^utnll y. if any eontrībui tors ftave fi»ilecJ to recelve an 9ok- * iio\W\\raWt of t"fc«>ir cSoaatīi»ns 1 tl»rough the lmnks t>r trusl ? tilP4s,"* sal<l "lt ls tlvat ] iliej iiotifv thf uffkt? ot tlw Ha- | wa!li»n rhapt<T, W HawallI m Tmst ni<l?~t<>?epfcono 2!556 1 1« order that thf>lr t »r}tm>utton>i h? up an3 aekno» \ lr\ tr«insni?tttri? to ix*oi»!o o! | Ilaw&li tt«> thanks of īlie Eritisb I OT£*nisat?ohs wMc% | the aid fi>n» Hawaii, Xlr, liiiina?tt*r ieaW: 1 *Tho rps]>onst» of tho of | Hsiwīin to th*-« s»p|MV}tl for <N*iitrtt'U |tlons to stTvo tb<' ti\ii»an!tar!at» 1 of thc people of Ka«tanJ j*wn vt»w gvaTtly!wg !rivUy& li'iu- <'o!:;ribuiu>; = s boUi largv and suull—have Voa te»<kwtf lo n vo'"*v« v i'.rovo> iw t < ijpei4>K i of HawuU are to Uie | V«I1 vif I " Ma,\ l yugjjv>!*4 iliai yross*eetiv<; i itsguUr iu ihe ae u*uiv» ū.ako tht>sr vx>a;rii»miv«is I huj> oue «f tbe < u»»e niiMiu uā inMitmuHis : IWnk of , liiiwaii, iUihoi! Nalioeal B*uk, I Atitet-iviiu Securit)- Eit.uk. Ut*rti ; Bstuk, Hawaimu Trast Cw t ] Trtist Co., C*H»k« Trus?t <\s &04 i Houoiuui Trust <.\v ) 'Wo muoh i>r>"tvr thst vknw> pwai wuh »u> ot ttsow ]«s u wiU &udJ&cUU«t« th« |h»m!tl¥ie of th<? "*