Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 44, 26 February 1941 — An Hour A Day Will Keep Hitler Away [ARTICLE]

An Hour A Day Will Keep Hitler Away

The rnlted St4yes elwoi-i geā, l»oth jx>liUculljjyu4 al!j, b>jwnii roLi>yuiii(ju iX Gre#t! Britaiu fails G<»rinany jhi> j present struggle, meuibera of Uae i American Associativ% of ]JnSvergi- i ty Women were told iate yesterday i by Miss Nell Findley, director oī 1 tenant selectlon for the Haw&ii' Housing "■ Repre«entiug the'llawaiian Oiapten C*om,Tnīttee to "'Defeod #ii Flndley dertared tliis'organization īs "deep!y i_un'fHrnēā tlie

*Mfare of Ameiiea — tlie United| States—shou!d the Axis powerg bej vMortous. ■ "Thē Coinmlttee\. chief ohjectiv<j! !s to f(Vster, nid and protect .and, giinrantee, so ās we arē able 4 wilhin the neighborly capacity of !nen and natlons, tbe rlghts, prinēiples and duties of deniocracy. **To me the fnture of tlils eountry, lf tbe AJtls poWers afē°not ~d£"' feated, is so hleak tliat I woui<l riskj «n that may be neoessary to lnkurel , tteg deTeat orthe toialltarlan states., : o»ifttltete tb Defend Ame-.j Wl»WtKt fe%im"ot Sy-bi -nigln" ( thinfeīng. The peril whieh we face «f Brl«itn is deffeM£9 brought this «oomilttee into an<l into ae--om. While many of the ehapters m me become uiIU-

1 tanl ;t!irt voc«l lor more out-an<l-out ■ ior kugiaud, lhv Uawaiian ( Ciiayter still coucenis itself oali J wHh ?efvsng tlie ni<M?t urgeut huiua-1 nttar!an of tlie people of Eag- 1 land. ] "We are deeply aware of Uie £uf. borne. wliieh ls golng on in Rngīami We know of thc aeeds of the slck. ihe wouuded, ana the hotnol<;ss, T« tbie end we aw sftn<Wng ns" as we eau } th<? tiK'tu\v nurvhase onWi* for t amhulanee* ; md molule feedlng aud up to dale have heen abl« £ to ?25.000 ior thii> purpoj>e. '•The m«iitwr ; 4ii|v of (lve Haw&iiaa Cl»®ber ls iuade ap uf & crossof ihe pet>ple of th<? Terrīj tory, This Il&waaan Chajptor perIhapa realices what u German \ictoi ry would uieau to the,ls3auds, and ■ for this reason unges siii>ixirt for

those 'Wlio are fijīMir>£ Oie Asis pt>-1 wers." , .........1 Miss Fi.ndley cjaoted froni tlieAmericaD WhiU' ?»y Jwsepli | Alsop and Robert Kitiier to tlie efJfC<i tiiat <i «j<*l i»aided bj /lw t.un't'|»aer of Ailied Joe«ts # woulil vyjupv! "tīte JUW,<J.f yuc t<) he iutliless. Ja Uie HawsUg ap(i Aiiiskfl wiil have to be ahan<3oo-j eeL Siucfi Lhe Japant-se ean ltar3]i-, send au effective . e^pe^iUona^, forqe across such a. hrea3th of ftcoai| attack our western <x>astj yirtuallf all our Navj- will he transferred to the AUaiuie. Appal!ing difficultles wliie-li a Oenoan victorv ! wIU Jiīaj>ose on us are weH-laiown to tite Stat« Ik^aniwi^. "What we eau do, \ve uuglit to <3o

—conceutratt' a!i o«r tiK*rgy ln thv i effort to ald thf AllU>s if tlsey c&n\ ouu" , I Mk» iku&ei ii r<?,em ar-, uele hy S»»ul<* viuith*tl "An , jlour A i>a> Keej>> Hi»l?r AwaiV'l *s Ueviarißg ihat -- I» <fv».r> res-j |ject we have liwn giving I< V 4S aSd' 10 Uian Gerp»anj has l*een, j i*ec«ivuig from th«? »H i-upied a.reasj 4tui, i£ Uritaiu it> sMrvivf, w«»j iUOtt seud IWii' 1 in<'r< 4 . In»i4*a<l <»f j «i»ip|iUt g j.Uiivs. a |iinytih we nimi seiuS. 1 ,-00. We huild ma»v of < ht* s3iiy»< io whioh 10 send Iu gener«l, i«stead of «M>nthly to th*> Rri- (_~ 1 ' —

Jtlsh Emplre of 1210,000,000, a s 10- !<!«■, «*« wm ma &mMm worth. Thls sotmds like a gSgantie I joh. It wlll a hetoic effort ind«ed. But it is not impossible. "Tbe Britisb anfl Gertoan work«1» mp 4®HMm 0» a?erage Muf Uoiir» & Oāi' tg*jurīsa©*iis& . ivMe a-e,«l>e 30 a day~ -l5 Greai BritaiU ana 15 ior oui LuiWi Axm aag Navj. By allouia* ito defen£e purposes two s hourg a i ilaj — one for Britalu lorf[ one for i oursdv«js — we coB|ō £q the \>lg |job," aad as Soule conc!udes—" 'An

; memm*; - -° Ee of the mOundß ia Texas is'ī)elng* os th« Bed "ft!rer near ope <4 faur pro ieets sponaoi?BT*niversStj of TWas 't^ew^X A. T. Jaclcwa' tāBrw«lty arch a£otoglst, eaM* is 1S& 1« Aps>rat?!»*tily anf-fourth of htx ah?a ltw V*e «xplor«4. J*ck | son fcild that t)ie mound waa huot i by tl>« lr!be or aoioe pre ft»lstor!o Tn<Baīi£ an<! tbal tbeir ar--1 tffacts re&emt>Wd Ihoae fQnnd ak»n£ ths rt**r. Tbe workmen have us«»*rtrd seven floo'r lev«U to hou.*ea |b iht lnāian vifla«p. Sever. amatier Ir,- ; dlan »ound« hav« be«a foucd witi ]lo a thr«e-mft« rafi!uB &xkī imo I ceK\<*ter!es, coatalcicf about ff» 1 gT*Tea.