Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 46, 12 March 1941 — CHEMIST TESTS SUPER BULLET FOR TANK FIRE [ARTICLE]


i MIXNKAIH>US. M i ii ii , - A j "autver' ? .50 caltbre tifie bullet that! ivouM rxm«rate tbe thict< i>rotec 1 ! tlvp armor of »ny «rmy lanl< !s l>»> 4 I Inp d<>wioped by a young Minnosota I ehemieal engineer. ' James Enri|rht, 29, « l*niversH> ; of Mtnnesota fradu«te, slrea<?v h, -' produced a ,S0 e*ltber buli< t th;> ' has the penefratlng t>ōwor or 1 ordiaary .50 ca!iber machsno j;u ! bllU»t j Now he ia nrorltttts on a ,r>o ) buHet that saa>* bo ivworful ! «noUKh to i>Oßetr»to and sto}> ,u:> " t»ak 1 PHH*fit** M cal!bor b\iī?, t \< i4erce an lr,ch and a h*U tmno. ! I»iat* at 400 yar<lB v?hUo an oidi» - ary buliet vrill oaly dont it. ] BkUiBtiee «xi>erts a&reo that i . RnrHchi eao pror>ortlonsll\ !,?< i, Sf ., '' the p«n*traUn£ of \h> " | cahber bullot he viU ha\v a s.h ] th#tvan t>i*»rco si\ inehe* o? uuua. ~ A iank 1 » am«Mr 1« not tbat thioV. si,\ocia\ destgn U a s< < ;o! but be atlmit« ihe ! nia<io at a "h.ai\i alk»y »rt>, X\> \>r- j coate<i wtth 1««4 Tboloa<s oo;,;„; ' HT*phit<e whlcb "lul rtca.-»s' W ► ' bulet. ] Karifiht lio is : 4 ■, :!H aiuii ordiiaōc<' ;■<«.' tc bia bu&«U ]