Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 1, 30 April 1941 — England Is Loosing War-Lindbergh [ARTICLE]

England Is Loosing War-Lindbergh

i Aad ©a Wednesduy iiight to au joverilownieeting r Col. Clia§. A, , Liudbergli stated "It is iiow obviouj3 tlia( Etiglaud is losing tlie war." "We now kuow tliat Euglaud Ue-. <jiared war uuder circumstances j wiiieii led to defeat of ever>' uaUou j tiiat sided wiUi ber from Poiand to | Greece. . Wlieo Euylaad asks us to. jeuter tkis, war slie is coasideriafi j Ler own future aud Uiat of her eni- ] i»ire. v I"Ih replying, I bt>Ueve we shouiil cousūler the fut«w of the F»ited i Srates and of tlie Wmem Hemis- ' phere." j Ue swted that the wmt that Eag, j iaad could secure bj us oonvoyixjg j her shipplDg wouIU be to penaii her 1 to oxist under consUuU bombing of | the German air fleet. M