Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 2, 7 May 1941 — Britain, China Victories Seen [ARTICLE]

Britain, China Victories Seen

Thomas W. Laraont tol<3 the De troit Ewnomio elub that the thea of w*r 18 "drawliig daD£eroubl; elo«i to U.S." [ Lāaidfit,* rlee-ehal*rmaQ of ' ī>oal*<? oT J. P. Morgan Co., aasd' 1 v!etorSeg for Great Brltain aad C3iu {lepena apon Unltea States grants of "ininiense aud speedj aid. w He pald trlbute to the lD<3omitafeie «n« tmcon<iQeral>le splrīt of Brtto9is' heroism aod tbe āoggeā resistaiice of tJ»e Cbīoese a&d saitj | theae, backed by "Amerlea*s 3eter-i taiaatk>& not to surrender the sea| tw»eB of the Atlant!c and Pael&e, wl!l gpeīl ultltnate victory." H* sa!d that due to the Hoeaolapanese neutratlty pact, lapan ls «i stfleide rook." He satd the posslbllltles of Interim revolt in J«paA are remote l>ul »a!d that lf Great Brttain heia out aufl took the orfensite lfi tbe South Pacsfic, Japan woold »iove cfttttlously in her southward expanslon.'

JU'uu authoritles> aany\ItiioA the iurgest uiaiu'uver»< in lilstorj ot tlie Uuited Ln\fl\Liyj iOO.OOO men, *I11 bv: licld In the i, SOU square uiile areā lbo Nocth C«iroUna-South Caroliua l>order in October and Xovember. The nianeuvers will inclu<ie eomplete meclianized div5sions wliieh wiU put into practice the Iese<»as learned from tbe European w ar.