Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 2, 7 May 1941 — NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING. [ARTICLE]


,NOTIC£ 1$ UU'EN, thut Uk Countj j of Hawail, siurauaiu to pro\islons of Chai>Wr S2, R«?vi£-e!j[ of ] w*u lS3ē* aa ttu)enik u, v. jU bokl a r«blic liearijys al and ia tbe ri'o|e£-_ j •lonal Buildii) S , Kwi» 16. Hilo, H»waii ou Maj 22, THUR?I>AT 4 «t W;00 o'eloek A- M„ for Uie p«ri>ose ot consl<fei iu& i!n> liereunu<?r ī!«ted foi RENBWAL ol Li<iuor Lk?naes + aud anv j?rote£ts acd ? ofejecttons to the granting theteof wliieli m»i- regteteīv-ii voters ol tfae electii>n precinct wlifreiu tbe preniises oī eaeli . applicant is localed or bv any jversons ownttig |n fee'slmj?īe 0r h6!āīn,gT uader a recorde<i lease aav real estate situale wHlhu a dlstance otJ. 500 £eet £rom tbe nearest poiiit of tbe iiremlses of fcusiness3 for L lieeaae is asked to the uea»-esl ix>iut of su£Ji real estaie. | ( i Protests aaei objecti<vus. &liall be fllecl iu v. ritiag wHh tlie Sc-cretaQ']i | of said Comiaissioīi at or before the tsmo of hcariag. !