Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 6, 4 June 1941 — Air Defeftses In U.S. Stress Mobile Units [ARTICLE]

Air Defeftses In U.S. Stress Mobile Units

KEY arMXs'too extendld >0R UBE 0F F)XED EQŪIPMENT £y SAJIt>OR S. KLKIN T,VAS nIN OTO X — Tlie tl<in's fital defēnse areas and p«> I>ulation centers wiil līave to deI>en4 3ai*gely on intercepting airera£t and mobile anti-airoraft unlts to .repel air raida, in the event of war, (Scaad-scale fixed defenses,_sugh as those employpd in London and otber JioportaDt British cities, are not li>iislblejn_ tiūs countrV beenuse nof enodgh anti-aircraft gnng oonlei t>e protTuced līere to i»rotect all the big eities and industrial areas. That Is the opiiiion f>f ,mllitary eiperts who have ma<fc a tliorough study of aerial defenst probleajs in the Unīted States. _Tn their study, thcy hfid ihe benefit of Briti,slj experteiye in the pre«ent war. Mobil« Units lmportant Britain has fewer vital areas_ to defend from air attack than tlie Fnited States %vould have if an enemj- could establisli plane bases <;lose to thls country, expcrts said. Tet even Britain has not sufficient an-ti-aircraft e<iulpment to provide J;hc kiiid of defenses Lond9ft's Jfixed anti-aircraft defenses, thej i s«id. must be supplotueuje<i by oioI bile e<iulpmeut duriug large-scale ralds v Dn xqanj- occasious, thes iidded, tlie mohile unit« Uave beeja j ruslied to other areas. to aid existUig defenses. Most of tbe fixed defenseg la Uuī cyuntry probably will he eoneeatratēd at Lmportant harbors and at il»e most vitai ai-iuaiiieiīl plants. By June 31, this year, the arinj will have 40 anti-afircraft regiments. Ealloon barrage units are now being foraied. Because of the ~i uipossibiliti'"— and that ls the word officials used rof getting sufficient anti-aircraft guns to take care of the' whole country, army ofTicials have dereloped a system of prioritj r ra,Ungs estabilshing the order of importnmv of eaeh defense area. The areas with top rating will get flrst eall on anti-;iircraft material. Army officials are confident, how. ever, that an efficient aerial defense sjrstyai i$ possible without fised an-ti-aircraft conceutrations, Experiments conducted by the air, defense cofliaiand, headed by Maj. Genu James E. Chaney, already have demonstrated tlie value of mobile units.

Watchers To Be Increased |An air-rald rej>orttug uetwork of fron» 500,000 to 600,000 civlUan voianteer.< wiil be a \ita3 part of the defense system an<3 eventually wIH orKiuiizetl on a natlouwide basls - Tests were conducte<J some liino ih !ln> i.or(luHistt>rn j\art of thf ix>untry to detertaiue tlie effi- i of an*alr-rald waraing s.vstem. 1 Aorial <tefpnst<>s of the tx>uatrj-! h«ve Iwb rejdonalized. Four new air forces l»are been crea.ted, eaeh locate<l In vital strategte areas, at Mftchel field, X. Y.. MoDill field. Fla., Riversītle, Oal., and Fort 1 Oeorpe \Vr?cht. Wash. Thew sup-] pl*nt the four s<veaited a t r distrlct& Rach atr forc>e is hefl,ded *! J»?iJor geuer«l «nd is divtd«d laio mo malor iSiiii{H>nents- the bomber' fo*ismantl am! ?lu> hitotvefitiir tatu< nmnfl. Tlie hHerwv*īor, i\»uuu«ud is !n rhftrßV i>f n briEailier !>ttemed mnnewhai *fleif th« BriMM» ūxe interoet>tor waim»nd juHs,!iclion luterp'anes, aircraft wait>ine nHworU. soarch%ht t fearra«e! ha7loi>ns «nd atui*|remft £iB»s, ] o<xritv\*rrf* Clo«ly Uri!t*d j lH>niher coiut»utkt U «DttaBt- i <h! ®ith tho t«sk of deetrayiiig i m t»*ws and ot}jerwlae harras» | the> f<H. Vr*s|u#n?ly , fr fthtl tm«>tw|»Uir <\tfuuuuu||t wili o|>erst«. \wew»*. %Ut«r j gen*.r.«n t N serve m. f, ' r thr wirrj-ij«« cr®.ft, - *itvt*a vwrkra, tht> Srst hiit< of boU» i aius - *U1 b« 0m «ie! and shisi cpcr%U{i4 iiuuilmie, <'f O>S S!iiftrV, « ftiivraft hj | &<* la&dl^s*4 «ui b« l»i :ī»eT>i Ui« r*ids:r» S#tl ti» *»u*irv**ftj n,i;u ihea Im ntstked iv <«u4-! » 5 in ihe p«tb of m&ts! L

*Vofxi l*oem«d IhAl *&Uu.h*S i4 0* Ut*n , 4 """ "#«»»* J

I Tbm wUi U>v;Sttik UK jkirauti ,lia.UAium, *faū lle*A ŪW* «fi4 ftta(i uuk «ec4u» 4 iMe&oU &{.«*&&«&$ ul. 4uiiag; *K. 4» lUlv, Otio4>«j&r F *Uk o*e 4U*U vsb J«t;c I u- OCC W*!»©*. K*OiUot*, 0 «4 4«i»sUtt»cfi« ,« <2*&g ,1 i« Hw£«i n«Mu €hMMPMi ii «iik iMiiM m l&m && ta a»« Ilil^ ?«« Ut« mm* «a <&m 1% l*tma4, *Ui «l U» N*ik«ai» An*»Sj