Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 8, 18 June 1941 — College Fliers Test Prowess Next Week [ARTICLE]

College Fliers Test Prowess Next Week

i S. Ohio, iun* 1 12j —More thaa 20U coiiegiate aviators. meUi wuipt'te iu the Nalional Inter-, «tiitagiate Fiyiug club's air meet at, UuhHewwu, Oiūo, June ls-20 3 aeto Charles W. LeF§ver, pre-, «uieni of tlie Ohio State Uulversiti &lsiAg clul>. Becnnse of cancellatlon of the joational air raees, sald, the «eventh annual Intem4lesiate «TO«t wil! b« the only natlonal a!r met in the eo«ntry this year. loe<Q«ieil tn the aviation program wiil be hoiul) dropptns aud i>pot ianding events. A t\>!l<'sre Av|ation** will be froin fhs flylng attwidsn? ihe meet Candidates for Uie lioiior will be nom\nated 5n ad«»nee hy eaeh of tbe schooli!> af Ifillat«d wHh the nntional student ! flyTnff c>fgantitatlon.