Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 8, 18 June 1941 — Partial Unemployment Benefits Changed [ARTICLE]

Partial Unemployment Benefits Changed

j Due to the fact that uew prooe- | dures for the paymeat of p&rUai tusI empioyment i>enefits in Hawaii be- | eoiue «ffec ure on May 81, 1&41, Mr. j Acdrexv s, Acting Coonty Ageat iti I ciiurge of the HHo offi.ee of Uae Terj ritory of IluwaU Empio3Vß>«at S«r- -| vkf, urge<l that ali employers an<J j VkMrkera, famlUariw Uiemselves wi?h 1 Uie ue« *ygt?m ai qukkly «* po» | *ible. Mr. Aiidrevrs belteves tlmt j mnui eu3ployees eotfUe<3 lo p*rtia!

heaelU* b*re r»ot r?iheui. lie »tāte3 that the aew pructsiures are sJnspler an«l wiil prove more eiīectire th&b tbe oki oiethod. Tli« {UMio i»robit'Gi, accor*!tes īt« ilr, A«Ure*A, ha«» he**s thfit t»rKh j aud .*urker»< have jiot jbiul * cl«ir ide# oī what panial uu-

l» «o<* o«<Jw vhat dr betieSts are for_ , UUU type of uDeojployQient oader |the Hawaii Law. Aaj worker is |mU4 to he portidlijr }wbe& he eoaUiaae» to work for UU eaii»lojer hat su2eys a loss jo£ earxiiJttf;s because of redtKtio» iu warfcißs hours helow in>r»»> |£aU-tisie. Xa «tber * jm& l«r wuOMUi Uoi?i |their Jufa to d4Us t>efe«Sis.. jThe tuy,.;qjer ee 4« iuait.tsi«t'n3 hai tbe e«psoje<' u*A fuii Uaie. $Is*«^, |b« ma*t he *r«UAble f«t |ikuik lf LU ctu4>)ojer oeje«Jki|ii».

| 11 WK iKiilileil Ottt U| %. A£p&nial becefiu &re J«J.ahle oLli uhene tbe worier*s re<3a>. - ,ed earuiAgs are due tt< lacfe of w<vrk :on his ne£sl*r job, Tfeej *«"*■ »ot . io si'r»fni |Wlio, Ut i*c~sQTih\ T*as<>.zf! t cbvK>u lo koī\ le>-s ih&n Full bj eaA>iv^rr«v *ad tV servlce o2lce ls 3sseessKU",s ii. ,er<ler thai ?W k<?w |:<!voe>ctttres <*o c*me4 ,y ut eSlcieuUi nUii least for aU Mr. A;.irews: |Tb< i Illio oālee has fau iafrcsMußM* ;*hi th<c beoiase <f!fetlhe ou *o<i *ill |S?&3\S KHI, as3 • w-orXers &&ve 4*rt»*l UKesJ4vjia«e«t bestlt&.