Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 9, 25 June 1941 — Toast to Franco-Jap Amity [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Toast to Franco-Jap Amity

A happy end to negotiatSons hotween Prance an<l Japan on*|it sūi , of Indo-China is shown above, 5n ToTtyo. Drin"kmg a toast after s?ffning .. ! a treaty of frien<Jsliip are (ī. to r.) Gov. 7tc-ne Robīn 01 Tnao-Cmna; I Ambassador Charles Arsene-Henry an<J Foroign Minister Yosnice Mati suoka, Meanwhile, new minor disturbances botvveon French_andJTapa- [ nese in Indo-Chioa are reporte<J, "