Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 18, 27 August 1941 — Big Businessmen Of Hawaii Again Set An Example [ARTICLE]

Big Businessmen Of Hawaii Again Set An Example

j Ēig h t Hemolulu busines.smon. j representing the eommeroe anJ industry of lelands, havc \ol-, «ftteered funds BUfficient to un<ten*Tite th<> e«sts of oj>eratiiig ■ the Major Disaster Council for a ■ perl©d of three months. 1 By their direct &nd decisive ae- : ln a crlsi» 4 iftey have demonstrated anew the traditional poliev of Hawaiian industry toward' this communlty . , , a policy' : vv?!;rh pi;iocs tho \velfarc of th<? ;peopie ah«ad of *U other coasidor.it !o)\s. | lt 1« inde«<J to roaHec t-<At tīi\\vauan iutu*try. \vsth ils' ptabnit\ ; \nd igU\nd \vi4c fovakda ' «ona, has made it for' this \itally ini|K>rtant ch*iliari ūefenso agency to al a Ume wheii it. is iuost u<\-ded. Tlic cight businessmcn J Uie iustitution,s lla'i' haw c\ prcas(jd ouee mare vHcir faith iu thi:S eoīumunili' Uy thcu aelioii «»d they have au to oJTfc»J\it«tiojis an dtr4<Uviviufeis & iike by thcir imtiati\c duri:tg & crisis. The a«eu uho have uudemaU«n the ht£uuiit*£* ot ci\ iUan dcfensc for Uw«e i*l*»ds arv H. cr Waikcr, prt«ideAU of Au\erī<«i] Fi*ctots, F*hiUp &j>*idM\g, |>r<e*l dent of 0. Srvw«r & 00,, A. G Budst», prt!«i.deiit of C«*Uc £

rmt \ĪCI; , of Akxāaidvt r ur.d EUiii^U;. "'» P« IluaaUl, oi | T*u\i. H, S, t \V„U tUoU£C ( <..VVUtIVv. \ ;cv- 4_U\->S-. . '*• s >* ei Uie Bī si v4> J\aUotiAt KJwaki\i W. Cai\lcu. , vWi\t of v?f lUw&U, a-.ul , ( T*rt«r,t H, WelK YĪjvV' ( f }-t\ ».ivkut oi Ūi? $u^&t, , WawU'l* 4 iSB'vKkU\HX. 1