Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 22, 24 September 1941 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]


thhu> nrm t r,sT\Tr or i,rcY miiwa nsowx.T, D»cr.\sr,i> Petitkm having beer, fey Chas. L. Murr&y fcw Ihe *ppoir.tment of hin\s>elf. A4nūnistrat«>r for the EstaU> of Lucf K&hfw» Crowiy, decea£ed. THERKFORE. iw»tK-* U Hesvby th«t «I 10 o*cS<H k A M Saturday. A t* IWI, th< Jvs4g<> tt» Thirxl CSKUiī OhiiK Sj* Cssjrt K<*>m |B *t Kat! Im. NorUi Koīv*» H potnt*d th<" tSr,x> 4ī:4 pUe# ff*r heariiig: *a.kl p»etEtlor. D«t«; at K*ih», S«k t lUwAiu S*f4*fnfe«r $«w IHI, 8¥ «K O.)UHT ; Roy W«8 10. iT. S4-mi