Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 25, 15 October 1941 — Iwenty-two Bills Get Signature Of Governor [ARTICLE]

Iwenty-two Bills Get Signature Of Governor

<i<>vernor Poindexter has slgDed Uk> followlng biiis, whieh are now law: 111? 12 a< Aet 2(i—AuiendlDg the j fuel t«s law, providing for the eolj lection of the diesel tax by the tax ! cotimiissioner instead of the terrijtorial treasurer—o'Dowda. HB 0 as Act 27 —Directing the city-county to appropriate $575,00G annually for the poliee department and setting the sehool buildiug fund at $750,000 a year—Dirunghaii3 and Eguchi. HB 29 as Act 28—Amendiag the ioeonie tax law—.toim HH 2 as Act 29—Providing the | < jty-couiisy an<) the < <>untles \vith j ,«;1 ,000,000 from the personal properi\ t»x revcnues—Engle. IU? 19 as Act 30—Auiendlng the Sisiiiliiy liib<>r law to allow the sale of :tutoniohile purts aml pelroleuin | produets—H, C. Aklua. I HB 16 us Act 31—Directing ihe i couuty of Ilawaii to aciiuire certain i iiro|x»rty for use in obtaining roac .tiuUdine raaterial.

( . HB 21 as Act 32—Am«ūdlng tlie. labor law to penoit tfee salc, jof iULing tackle and bnit, and to llH'iiuu sltoutia- galieries to remalu j«j«u ou Suui3aj s~Char, Hoit, F.>n g Sft 4« Aet 33—Appropriating I».v for printiug of special *essi«u iaws—Blce. 6JB as Aei 34 —Directing citjtr«HSur«r to re?erve certaia loUī Ui Bouth tract for park purpofevs—Akana. HB 27 as Act 35 —Appropriating $135,000 for aiiport improvements —Karamoto. A. A. Akina, Wllhelni nnfl Aona. Note; SR 18 becaiae Act 28 wnhoui ilu-' emmuii'K si>:n!tlure «s llk' 10 days: :tl!n\\cii for td> vtU«J ex pimL This hill adds a proviso isjclu<iiuyr }>er diem emp!oyes iu the law relatiug to vaoations arid ieaves of ahseme of ferritoriai aud eountj workers. It wa.< inrroduee<! hy <;ouies and Fernaiules. j Ull 10 :ss Ae' 14— Providing for the srudy. investiiration, ,-on*erv:ition aml in. ro;ise in tish aiu! sheil fish iiī «iitd for Jhe territory, and for the ucrhv i<>operiitioii of tlie hoanH of u;'\ir,i and forestry of the terriiory wiih slu> C.S fish and wihi l;fe -« ;l īid maicing a ?j0 o<>o ja}>propriiiiion. sul>jee! io ex}H>tidi ;īun oniy if ihe federal govern!]!er'ī ihis= fund.--Aona. O'Howmlu, \\'orr;ili. i Hl? Sas Act 15 Hei«ihiirs.īnji lhte>t;tie uf ;he ];ite As)t!ej .V Ciy>por ;f' ,r ""'i'O e\pemKni l>y hls e«tate to >\' f -rn«.es ,aiised i»y lns ii! ness :?:id di'H(h while en»:nj:ed in the :e-.'rt;,.i\ > aii «rVn:r.itor, -id\ m-: ~!><: re: jVMM.ti«ivo of !!k> |dei'.-truiiertt of i.nbor «na ituUtg(rī;iī ! i>>!:\tious. Mnreal;īm>. 8B 10 as Act 16—Atiding a ueusecUou to tlie luws, relatiug to eha rH«ble trusts an<l provl<Jiag for the |«»yi»ent t>f etpenses of i!t!£atiori; |arproFTīniins ; for the hirlu£ j< s f »ii or attoraeig 11«.^«, I HH If4 as Aer 17— Amemling huiiioan ns-*>diition i;\ws hdd!ng a new sectioa twrtalulujt to I fUoetk>ns of £ueh associaUous — |PW%W|S. """ 1 1!H 'Jv' ns Aet IS DirtHt;ui; tho ' couaty bonr4 of suiw>rvisor&!

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