Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 28, 5 November 1941 — Lend-Lease Bill May Revitalize Latin America By LAWRENCE S. HAAS [ARTICLE]

Lend-Lease Bill May Revitalize Latin America By LAWRENCE S. HAAS

The slgnmg of an agreement in Washington between the State Depa.rtment and the Braztli«n ambassador for a io&n to Brazli under the Lease-Lend Act has accentuated the extent to whieh the United States ts taking the Latin Ameriean countries imder its finajiciai wlng, The amount involved in the agreement was not made publle, although it waa believed to be between $90,000,000 and |110,000,000. In exchange for de?en«e materialB to be made avallabk to Brazii under the pro\iBlons of the agreement the United Statea wUI receive Bra2iliaji materSaia but the ppecise producta and their quality u-ii! be stipulated later. Lease-Lend arragements have j been raade with the ī>omin!can I Republic. Haiti. Paraguay and 1 Uraguay, and it was indicated ! that sirr ( ilar 6jfreei?ieiits with vir- | tnkOy aH o£ tb» other Latin Ami erican republlea are being r>«rotij«tod.

lA5t yrar a consresāonal au-I HwrttBtīcn \ras , s*oted en&t>llixgl the Export-Tmport Bank to lendl Wp tO $500,000,000 to Am-| nat3ons. Thls congresidooall fteUon set a deflnite limlt upon | the Bmount of ror creditsl tlmt the baak ia empcfwered to| advance. 1 l*»bar»em«its Not Flx«d ] Tfce aid UAd«r Lease-Lend pro-1 *failon.s u Umited only l>y the| £toba} &mount of funds *asde a-! *ail*We by Con|preM to Uie c*ecu- ] bn«a» of the j?ovmunent, ] and !t may be *pporU«i«l as Uie r»tting an<J ne-| Aa the Lat±n Amenean eouatrfea, under the mast favorable •wl proq»rous ecm<iīU(3tas, are «ot ge&red econom!cAtly to buīJd and maintain hea\-j- armament, It woold appear reasonab!e to as-' awme that the rnited States has accepted the dbHgaUon of amThe Jayout of cash or its esulvta ndßtu7 or naval twtal, or «upPls« to be used iot pttrposMs, &ppArer.tly is uhdertaken bjr the Unite4 Bt&tes la view of the e<»staiit st*«« laid by Ameiiean affscUlon the Reed for cc«erele ooatt»ent-wl<k eohoj>er6tiv>B i a UemUUheHe deJea»e

! Wlin ter Ald i eoopemUee. M eoo- j i t«in<wl tn Int«r>Axn«rican j |CouM Ik «ilUecled to tbe brot&{ jcst Tfee Umted! : States («*tßteß«iice «f * higH stAcd*rij |Of **oiUry cca»diUo»s L*tiaj -AIMHHoa» c<M»tructioa o£ Nidt *** «tw«Mee «e Wa& « ttf(QK wilhia tht' aio£ ac£uise mI Lead thus be u»ed le sUta? malan* tn W«t X:v4iir. to fjnsm<v pufeiK- v - Of r.U*i ' ■*!v,rrv* an,S K4sSrr ;ī-,<r ewk-* llvV\Al ? ;r. a ;S*>V;l>. ! <**■« \ Tb<r A !■;£*■!'{;;v h* # A ' Vu " ,<Ni ««l*: nril .Vs\ vk- tlvvxit \ *\:*.>or-.?:r v 4 avvyī»tjtrs.v $UC- • ' K\Ar.# &rd , rtxtts f?v*Ri) th «" au»d th< , l ' s Tsv«s ; i:> Thc X»",hrh hvsk! * 2a«. ' :n IV c4 iVfHi- * *„"tw* .v-. ih» of » pitrrJ> -Jk>» %-th Sv«to> %m i» wpßi ' h «~ *-rfd:U T*w.> *rv !! ! - ?<A <'» ».* :vf« Ai .:I4uum^ U' r.«vHsV A>l thtVl4Cfc * *«nvu* .-rv»p īv\KTl»n S*" |vw,Sf %h* Rwrs fkW K , Vnernu->r srxlw#tr\ & j*v. ?**«-. »:»**4y hu'.W.ia: >j t.V ■*i£«s.Utwr*

In aeooManee with Argentm» l&wa, the creditg cajamt be without }e«ī*iativ-« msxction, and specu!ation haa $xiam over whether an e«fart wili be made to obtain the citKlita a new tb|| wouU aot require congTej«i«uU Thua, the poaadblhty h*a bee& explored, at 3east, of an arran*ement un<Jer Lead>L«&se whe«by the operation couid be aeew. An operation that wouid bo£ster the solvency of the B£riculturist, pro\-ide work in industry, stmagthen exchange and thereby gmrantee the natio&&i buying pawer m foreign trade—all contrih»tin £ to a bulwark a£ainst «oeiai rest---could be regarded ia, the of defen»e »eeda. %