Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 30, 19 November 1941 — An Invitation [ARTICLE]

An Invitation

Tlie Church of Christ in Honol»lu, invites those who eome to Oahu to the services. Evange!ist Jesse jW. Stepliens, formerly with the Church in Modesto, CaSif.,\is the j preacher. Mi-. Stephens goes deei> j into the BIBLE and delivers piuin i ?ermons of the "L.iving GospeV of " the Testament. These siinplo raessages iiave wōn uiany to CHRIST. A weeklj* niessage is givea oa KGŪ eaeh Sunday from 9 to 8:15 A.M. If informatiou is desir-. ed, Mr. Stephens ean be reached at Box 3481, Honoiuiu. We \Vorship in Liueoln School Auditorium, Victoria & Beretania Sts., at the foilowiag limes Sundays—o:4s to 12 A.M. Sand»ij"s—7:3o to 0 I\M. Weduesdays—7:3o to U I'.M.