Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 33, 10 December 1941 — Bomber Assembly Plant To Use Motor Scooters [ARTICLE]

Bomber Assembly Plant To Use Motor Scooters

TLUSA, Oklahoma, — Twentyj motor scooters equipped v.ith side-! c«rs wrtt T>e employed In main- : ! lalnini: co3Tirniihications 5n the' big $25,000,000 bomber &ssembjy' ptßunt whieh the army is hup<img ] 'kere. „ 1 . fcngineers placed the order afteri deciding that the 4,000-foot loag.i plant's pneumaUe tubes, whiehi wtn carry smaller would i be too sniall for «ueh things aai blueprints and other itenis. The; plant will be operated hy thej Dougl&s Aircrafl Corp. te as-j *mble long-mnge bombers. 1