Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 33, 10 December 1941 — Modern Skills Lower Rate Of Maternal Toll [ARTICLE]

Modern Skills Lower Rate Of Maternal Toll

CHICAGO, 111., — The Amerlean Conuiuttee on Malemal Welfare ciaixns Uiat prabably 30 pvr cent of the moth«rs <iie in chUdbirth loee thei* l»ves less!y throiigh igncrance, n€gUgencc or laek of &dequate e*re,." The xuaternal death rate w« cut from 67 per 10,000 liv*e birtbs m 1930 to 40 per 10,000 m 1929— when 9,151 mothers died- -but the comnutte« thinks it ean be reduced by half through full u#e of modern medical, nursing and h«8pital facilities. Ti:e committee pomts out that in aimost ail major. cities «her« adequate obstetnc&l faciUUes are readily avallabk, the mat«rnaJ death rates are well under the naUoaal vnt*gt. m Aaa Frao« lM<. RaU» ĪAwml fian Fr«nr!sco has thc in th<> natton wiih 21 l*-r Mv* blrths. whlle Chlcago and Phnādelphi» are tied for secon<3 plaee vnth ' 23 per 10,000 Most oth<-r big citie» had ratea belo* 30. t , *This «uggest» that w*ith equal ! care. the rate in smaßer U>wns ' nnd rural areas < "u!d he cut from MO to 30, or about 2* per cent," & 1 bufetin sa?d. ' *B«t there are re&jsons, too, f<>r considering ever. a preat«r reducUon possible In Ch»cago, for ev 'ample, a committe«e of doctor» re- '■ centJy studied the recordbs of chlldbirth deat>« in the city's heimes or hosnītals a nd that 40 oC thf»m. or al»«t 45 per cent were >n>ventah!e* ** FT»per Owp : In one moāeni Chīcago raaterti ity hc*spital (in!y deaUui oe- ' curr>f>d \si 33,0*10 hvf Hrths» a ratr ! of 1S por 10.«»0 hvi- births. ind«<dstinjc the pcssjh : ,nUaf o>f pro|>cr | lreatment for rrx!ui-.n|: b»rth mle». ! FlfTy of the deatha occurr*4 la J the hrt>«p!U'. the clhcr 10 at ' T>iirty-f<-'ur w<?re rccordk-i betnnte.n I*3! ' &nd 193« ar,d pnly 16 he- ' ! tween 19J& and lSm, reffectiiig ixaproved c?bstetrical ar;d equipment ''• The eommiīlee bfīieves the sr.-e<s- - profess:sart īs foT.y a«~are of ! lhe proble?T» and :s rr..tkt«g e«vry to eope "wilh īt A īrsajk»r p«.rt oī th; pmpeaī» Jowerir.f: the rat«\ how«v«r, ccinjrist4 <•{ e-i\iCAt;ng pi\\apt<iī\~t 1 mother« in »c»?-car.« ;tunn( prec--1 it T*te earJy s*lecti<^ ' <*t * ccar>p«-1«»rt phystei*s wC!3 4Ud ' m p«st*ctSn£ thf of moUwrs