Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 43, 15 April 1942 — Warn Nurses To Register [ARTICLE]

Warn Nurses To Register

Nurses who hA\T not yot re>£lstcmi with tho offtc« of oh iliKn affatrs in eompliam*? with tho reo*nt order lssvj?d by district bt adqu*rt*rs, wre urg«! on Mor.d&\ by Sen. V. A. Carvalho to elo so imm«di»t?ly. &en. Oarvalho «n oh«rg«? of thp regi»trātSot\ Sen*tor Carvalho point<si out W«sv will N» the iast day for s istr*tlon. Ho wamod th<w is & ' «tiff JViwltY for who fa--i to I <WrtHy wtth thr mi!itsry ordor ! I lt ve%* b<>lic>*«d th*t sojv.c ?o' nur»«8 hft\v not ivj>orUsl Th;s | numl*r rvptv»cnt* the b ulk o{' thiVw who ivnu< in un\far thr ot\lrr, to 5kn Car»aiho addtNi. ' I AUhoUKh tvtm h*ve aeiil, out to <?v*Tyo«<i. iw &vUs\si, th<y h*w not b*īpu tx*mtrn in. «9 f*?i as' thoy *ho»Ul i

| NEW Mli.\Cil*AL — Pau: i M. £orm«r pruu.ij>*i, K*mrii4m«&« Schoo* ior Oi(U j>» Hsu\olu!u. \vui rclurn W Uul! , nc,vl Uli, { . K. >nlxo vuLL rc ;u«. j IV. Fr*dkttv. k *k>»> Uu*ht , c«l rduc«tVH\ &i „ I lt«l to ISSC Sht ttt«a iteft lo Axt*M > | , ye*r« &t Cvs*4inibia Vr.i\xrs4vj, f wiU cv>ir4 i<> Vv*i;;chAiiKii4 |«Hvn ttH» ruivijm'v> | C\Utfvrm« bo<& »r Aa--