Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 21, 16 September 1942 — Family Men Call Next Year [ARTICLE]

Family Men Call Next Year

WASHINGTON — Marrie3 men with children ean expect to be lrafted into the sei;vices probably by tho end of 1943 under the present demands on armed forces but might i be called earlier, Maj. Gen. Hershey told the hoūse committee on defense migrat!on. It might be necessary eventually to take youtlis in .the 18-19 year old class, he «ldded, but did not say definitely when Chey might be ealled on.

He added tliat it was a question of taking eilher 18 and 19 year old youtbs or between one mUlion an<l one and one-hal£ million family people.

Gen. Hershey outlined the army for manpower, saying that it is now taking 10 per cent of illiterates in eaeh induction station and going to take more per day precty soon.

Gen. Hershey told reporters later that the supply of single men without dependents or without oeeupational deferments will be exhausted this fall. "